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/biz/ - Business & Finance


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>> No.26790476 [View]
File: 230 KB, 380x380, operation wolfenstein 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Previous thread: >>26757951
>what is Operation Wolfenstein?
Operation Wolfenstein is how /biz/ gets back at reddit niggers. These reddit faggots come here and throw it in our face about how they got organized and did something bigger than /biz/ could ever do. However, we have something they don't: collective autism. Due to the nature of /biz/ and 4chan as a whole, there is a lot of diversity of opinion about what coin or stock to buy or what action to take. Unlike on political boards like /pol/ where the objective is discovering truth (lmao). The /biz/ objective is more nuanced. For some it's about profit, for some it's about having fun, for some it's about spreading disinformation, etc, etc. Where other boards benefit from diverse voices, /biz/ suffers from it. However, it doesn't have to be this way. If we band together for a common good, we can profit, have fun, and ass blast the redditors all at the same time. We just need to get on the same page. We are capable of this and we WILL rise to the occasion.
>what do we do?
Spread this operation far and wide. Spread the message to every board on 4chan. Make memes with "OPERATION WOLFENTEIN" in bold yellow text and spread them everywhere. We are this shitfest's financial department. Our job is to ensure that the autist coffers are nice and full for whatever shit we pull next.
>when is going to happen?
On January 31st, we are going to hold a vote. No one will know the results of the vote until February 1st. On February 1st, the kraken will be released on the winning coin/operation. This vote will decide the future of /biz/ and will serve to unite them under a common banner. Rather than going from one pajeet scam to the next, we are planting out flag firmly in the ground.

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