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/biz/ - Business & Finance


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>> No.9914984 [View]
File: 101 KB, 948x632, trickle-down.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Most faggots blasting "marxism" and socialism haven't even read one word of Marx. They only know strawmen developed by the right-wing fatcats that are cucking them daily. If they could charge you for oxygen they would. And we'd have entire populations of brainlets mindlessly repeating that competition for oxygen is the key to a thriving economy.

>> No.8921032 [View]
File: 101 KB, 948x632, trickle-down.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>nigger this nigger that
>all that implication
>invent planned obsolescence
>sell cars literally designed to fall apart to make more money
>lose your industry to imports
>go out of business
>put your hand out for bailouts and other gibs
>when the gibs dry up, open up factories elsewhere for corporate tax breaks
Rich white goyim destroyed Detroit then left poor Cletuses like OP to sit in the remains and blame niggers

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