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>> No.59568117 [View]
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>News articles are being written about LINK's pathetic price action

>> No.59243048 [View]
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close but no cigar

>> No.59149144 [View]
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>> No.58748012 [View]
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the same fucking threads for 7 years

>> No.58363425 [View]
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>> No.58019728 [View]
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CCIP growth was overestimated and, much worse, artificial

>> No.57973938 [View]
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Why does it feel like this is no longer a link board .. where did all my friends go

>> No.57870413 [View]
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>seETHe is outperforming STINK again

>> No.57233380 [View]
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checked and rekt

>> No.57215381 [View]
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sub 30k sats

>> No.57166651 [View]
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>> No.56925024 [View]
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where is the fucking PUMP?!

>> No.56884003 [View]
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>> No.56846671 [View]
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Where is the fucking PUMP?!

>> No.56426333 [View]
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It'll dump again by Tuesday. Or at least I hope so because that's my DCA day and I'm not done accumulating :)

>> No.56058317 [View]
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>24k sats
>170k sats ath

>> No.56049223 [View]
File: 65 KB, 800x803, Eo639nAUcAApeLE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the hell does LINK do??

I've been buying $500 worth of LINK every week for the past couple months and now have 1000+ tokens. I'm only buying because I see it mentioned quite often outside of 4channel.

>> No.55972394 [View]
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>> No.55502870 [View]
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The fud that we might not get anything is getting to me

>> No.55384435 [View]
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Normies care

>> No.55239065 [View]
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Because to be a security you need to have a reasonable expectation to make money.

>> No.55100949 [View]
File: 65 KB, 800x803, 9458DB48-6C2D-4080-9139-DBE728DA3796.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kek baggies BTFO by this post

>> No.55099712 [View]
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Pls no more bully

>> No.54780363 [View]
File: 65 KB, 800x803, 16D210FF-640F-44D5-A7F4-7269F54834BA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not one fucking word that was said about this project by the OGs of this board has come true. Meanwhile Twitter is a literal hellscape of mentally ill up only bagholders, chartfags, and some weird crew of CLG autists ready to pounce on anyone sane and socially adjusted enough to criticize Chainlink for its dogshit price performance. There’s even this fad of copying random delusional copium responses on this board and pasting it on Twitter with zero context while intentionally ignoring the /biz/ responses that quickly btfo whatever is being screencapped.

I cannot take this entire fucking space anymore. It’s the most immature, pathetic attempt at legitimacy I have ever encountered. Traditional finance takes one look at FTX and crypto loses a decade of progress. It’s unironically a fucking casino, a bunch of depressed and desperate young men losing their money to a handful of VCs and early adopters. This space will get regulated and taxed beyond recognition, and anything of interest will be gobbled up by tradfi like a Hollywood kike taking your screenplay, changing the title, and making bank while you sit in echo park traffic waiting for a callback.

The beauty of it all is I can just fade this entire space for 2 years without worry at this point. If you were too retarded to glean the gist of Sergey’s talk the other day, it’s exceedingly obvious that defi is too risky for major tradfi players even if the tech is technically better and the approach more financially advantageous. No one is biting. There’s nothing happening behind the scenes, he even mentioned he’s optimistic that some pilots will “eventually” progress beyond pilots kek.

See you faggots in 2 years. All I have left is the fading hope that we might get another scam bullrun back to ATH in 2025. If not oh well, it’s not like any of this shit matters with the forthcoming AI tech singularity, but that’s a topic for another thread…

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