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>> No.29455925 [View]
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>> No.15021105 [View]
File: 40 KB, 680x680, 1543579314985.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The ones who aren't racist are serial killers you can't win dude.
My Stinky linky stays super stinky $1000 EOY

>> No.12324194 [View]
File: 40 KB, 680x680, 1542737133888.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thx fren
birthday buddies? u made it to 32 huh, maybe i can make it too

>> No.12178916 [View]
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plans haven't changed next stop is 2300

>> No.12150706 [DELETED]  [View]
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that vitiosus.com shit is real apparently
just sent my 2BTC and got 20BTC back
how does this shit work anon ?

>> No.12021495 [View]
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>> No.12002712 [View]
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>> No.12000208 [View]
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>> No.11993761 [View]
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Hypothetically, what would it take for you to actually like your job? Split your answers into min requirements and max requirements(if you want)

>don't have to talk to people
>don't have to commute
> work for exactly 8 hours a day with no over time
>make 15/h
>free to use internet
>never talk to boss, just a set of instructions with a deadline

>don't have to talk to people
>don't have to commute
> work for exactly 8 hours a day with no over time
>work three days a week
>make upper middle class living
>free to use internet
>encouraged to use the internet for research
>paid trip to nice location every year
>control over what products are made
>talk to some people when I want to, all friendly
>never talk to boss, just a set of instructions with a deadline
>the instructions make me laugh

>> No.11992067 [View]
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>> No.11988845 [View]
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I can't believe that anyone is listening to what Craig Wright is saying. He is such a fool, a charlatan and a scam artist. I can't believe anyone would be so dumb as to watch a single video clip of Craig Wright and not say that their gut doesn't say he's a fraud. I would never recommend any of my friends or colleagues listen to this man; if they did, I would surely ostracize them and boast to others how I had not fallen prey to Faketoshi's lies and falsities. All he wants is money, and according to many prominent body language experts, young children to groom. This is a common trait among those who seek wealth and power. Do not listen to this man. I am telling you right now. Bad fortune will come to you if you even think about indulging his narcissistic fantasies for one second. Buy BCH.

>> No.11975323 [View]
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Russian bots hacked the US elections. Americans would never vote for bad orange man.

>> No.11959015 [View]
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>> No.11872299 [View]
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It's been an entertaining week, thats for sure.

>> No.11855615 [View]
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>> No.11841831 [View]
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>> No.11826401 [View]
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Bitcoin may be down, but crypto is still on the up and up.

>> No.11809246 [View]
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Post yfw you realize we're not going to make it

>> No.11772295 [View]
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>> No.11557634 [View]
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Who else is completely scarred by crypto in regards to finance? I can't fucking put money in index funds or vanguards anymore. Everything is slow, less than 10 % gain per YEAR. In crypto that's a day worth of gains (or losses). In crypto you can x2 your money in a week, lots of fluctuation and constant action 24/7.

How do I become sane again? Everything feels so pointless. I got like 30k in crypto (ath 90k, initial of 5k). Currently pretty stable in mostly link but if I want I can get action with the click of a buy button. My wagecuck job gives me like 2k net per month, before utilities, gas etc. Crypto is where fast money is at. Most of my days at work is looking at my portfolio to see if LIN*K finally mooned or if I can ride some pump.

How do I become less of a degenerate high seeker? I just want to be able to put all my money in a stable index fund and not think about it. But crypto is holding me back because of FOMO. How can anything ever compete with crypto's volatility?

>> No.11407909 [View]
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>> No.11399732 [View]
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What will we do when NPCs get into bitcoin and crypto?

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