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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance


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>> No.58229881 [View]
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KDA is too simple.. hear me out
Yesterday I have coomed to the realization that kadena is too simple to be the future of finance
b-but anon isn't it the only sharded pow chain on the market, while that is true, it comes with a problem, turns out universal synchronous composability is a problem after all.. there, I said it.
What this basically means is cross chain operations are not composable the way they would be on a shared L1, the idea was that this is fine because L2s have the same problem so it needed solving anyway, why not use the more scalable and secure architecture then (kadena) it made perfect sense. Well fast forward to current year and L2s can use a sharded sequencer to allow for synchronous composability, it will take multiple years and will likely be more complex, but a solution is in sight while there is none for kadena. The only issue now for L2s would be fees which TIA can fix, what is TIA? In essence it's big blocks like kadena with the ability for light nodes to verify blocks by only sampling a portion of the block, in practice it's similar to chainweb with the benefit of being a single unsharded base layer. Sure it's PoS and has awful tokenomics, but for now there doesn't seem to be a better solution in crypto.
KDA is now officially downgraded to an experiment, joining the ranks of ATOM and NEAR.
In conclusion, the only reason to be in kadena at this point is if you think there is a chance in devs doing something interesting with the multichain environment that is chainweb.
It is over.

previous thread >>58157675

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