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>> No.54974891 [View]
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Holy shit we are discovering entirely new dimensions of maxipad cope
For a second might you consider if you are thinking inside of an ecochamber when you refuse to take even the most basic line of arguments? A bug is unintended sideeffect for code, limiting transaction capacity was never indented with the code making it so, it IS a BUG.

>inb4 iT WoRkS
It works for what purpose? Transmitting random structured data over a network? Sure it works for that, but a 5yos first python networking code can do that as well.
Does it work as "A Peer-to-Peer Electronic Cash System" as per its whitepaper? No it doesn't. It's not peer to peer when there are trusted 3rd parties reviewing the eligibility of your transactions (go figure how Bitcoin is not fungible or if that's too hard why ordinals are able to be non-fungible without any extra code of quirks). It's not private nor anonymous nor instant so it doesn't serve as cash. The only words it fulfills is that's it's an "Electronic System". And before you sperg out about "bbbut LN, what about my hecking LN"
1. it's not private
2. shortest routes with more liquidity are naturally prioritized leading to a handful of entities controlling more than 50% of the total liquidity (go run the numbers with 1ml.com I'm not doing your homework) due to hubs being simply more efficient (ignoring custodianship issues pushing this). And even if you ignore this inherent design flaw it's still peer-to-peer-to-peer-to-peer-to-peer, the money doesn't simply move from person A to B but gets routed
3. LN is not Bitcoin, even if LN somehow proves to be P2P electronic cash, Bitcoin still ain't

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