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>> No.54123484 [View]
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I bought more today because I believe the stock is undervalued. I will probably do it again tomorrow. The nu world order will not stop me. I will look back at this time in my life very fondly.

>> No.52259563 [View]
File: 237 KB, 844x513, 1564600475624.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Cold exposure
also while I'm here and on the subject, to add to this since many of my IRL friends have fallen for the icebath after exercise meme here's a fun fact:
Cold exposure after strength training is actually bad for muscle gains. Good for reducing inflammation if you want to get back into something quickly, but if your goal is hypertrophy/getting bigger then don't do ice baths/showers in the roughly six hours following strength training or you're actually screwing yourself out of gains.
Keep it to the early morning for dat sweet cortisol spike and before you've done any training, but get warm again before you do obviously.

That's enough from me for now. Keep fit bros. The body and mind are one, and you can't buy health with any moonshot.

>> No.51022029 [View]
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Good morning. Just been for a run before breaking my daily fast. Sitting down now to a coffee and an ten-egg cheese omelette. I'm gonna catch up on some Ira Epstein and then I'll probably spend more time exercising.

Keep /fit/ bros, gains are more than financial and the body houses the mind. Money can't buy health.

>> No.50022632 [View]
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Not only does being fit increase the quality of your day to day life when you are not lifting/running/exercising (and increase your lifespan), but nobody takes fat people or stick people seriously.
If you're fat you are fucking disgusting and will never be looked at with anything more than subconscious disgust at best.

You don't have to make lifting your life, but stop eating sugar and start doing the bare minimum to keep your body from falling apart by age 30. Diet is just as important as exercise, if not more so.

Nobody ever regretting exercising too much except the retarded few who took it too far to injure themselves, whereas every fatty why hasn't gracelessly expired yet regrets the choices that lead them there, even if they won't admit it. Everything else is cope and demotivational shilling.

>> No.49271669 [View]
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Absolutely based fatty-disabler. Lmao at all the seething tubs of lard reeeing at you. Keep fighting the fight, fellow fitbro

>> No.19070665 [View]
File: 238 KB, 844x513, jwdb0b22gx9x.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

at the gym, and in books / away from screens / the real world.

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