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>> No.29922356 [View]
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Both cases have support. The problem is that despite the real economy being sluggish, low interest rates encourage speculative investing like never before, but people also realize this and so the market is volatile...

>> No.29710878 [View]
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She'll save you by buying even more TSLA

>> No.29448426 [View]
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Sorry Shamiko but you have to go back to 1-figuere hell

>> No.29314846 [View]
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Sorry Shamiko but you are not allowed to make more than $380 a month. It's da law.

>> No.29269769 [View]
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$100 million USD goes a lot further in China than it does in Canada. Also that autistic faggot who does the podcast/vlog doesn't have the balls to hold SOS, which is extremely bullish. Oh and uhm sweetie the BFARF uplisting will NEVER happen

>> No.28880492 [View]
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>mfw I made six figures in stocks while in grad school
Heh, I guess you really can have it all...

>> No.27860206 [View]
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Uh huh... I'm getting deja vu from the times tinfoilers said Obama would put us in FEMA camps...

>> No.27784381 [View]
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I'll buy RYCEY after it goes below $1

>> No.27683623 [View]
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I would never want to be Chinese. TSM will become a part of SMIC within your lifetime
It'll crash once Tinny comes back

>> No.27274003 [View]
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What do you mean? RKG has been here for years already

>> No.27081025 [View]
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>RYCEY is on the list
Nice job RYCEY shills. Are you ready for $1/share by March?

>> No.26224518 [View]
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Have you ever asked any of these whores for investment ideas?

>> No.26082906 [View]
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>probably won’t rally until holiday earnings in March
It'll probably go lower after beating estimates.

>> No.25999232 [View]
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>this is the only way baggie can see someone else lose more money than him

>> No.25815394 [View]
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Your cope post sounds very similar to what the RYCEY shill says. How about BFARF going to 0 instead?

>> No.25767823 [View]
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>retire early
The only place you'll be retiring to is under a bridge or overpass. Say hi to crackwhore anon for me while you're at it.

>> No.25743921 [View]
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You can buy BQ instead. Not a single externally audited earnings report

>> No.25713315 [View]
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Defense stocks are horrible. They're also, coincidentally, the biggest tranny stocks.
And then
>The GSDP program office is designed to expand subcontracting opportunities for all small business concerns, including small disadvantaged, women-owned, historically underutilized business zones, veteran, service-disabled veteran-owned, lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, disability owned, historically black colleges and universities, minority institutions, Alaska Native Corporations and Indian Tribes.
You just had to wait until 2025 :^)

>> No.25680393 [View]
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Why do you care about America? The modern nation state is completely disconnected from the needs and wants of its populace. Voter participation is low, obesity rates are rising, social disenfranchisement is becoming the norm, etc. Everything I listed is a buying opportunity, not a political statement. Stop caring about issues that you, as an individual, will never be able to leave any meaningful impact on.

And this is why I only care about my 2D harem and portfolio.

>> No.25665974 [View]
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This has the potential to both moon and be the biggest scam stock of 2021. I have to buy some.
>It's not like we can actually bury those fucking things in a desert
He's actually shilling for the creation of permanent non-recyclable waste. Nice job saving the planet wind energy shill
>It's comparable to the damage any fossil or uranium mining site causes.
Please tell me the amount of fiber glass used in either process. And it's convenient how you completely avoid responding to the other link.
>Not to mention unironically linking to bloomberg.
I didn't know Bloomberg was known for being anti wind energy. Are the photos fake too, tourist?

>> No.25651300 [View]
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RYCEY is releasing a brand new jet engine in 2025. You've just got to hold those bags until then anon

>> No.25633320 [View]
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>Is there a target price?
This is a meme stock trading below $9/share. Do you remember PLTR and where that went? This thing is going to at least $30 before crashing and burning. Get in now before some cross poster shills it on reddit. I promise you'll be in more euphoria than when the CLF tranny dilates.

>> No.25630256 [View]
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Don't worry anon, RYCEY will go back to $2 in 2026.

>> No.25605365 [View]
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>tell FUD posters that a D senate is bullish
>they just sperg out and refuse to listen
Reminder that permabulls always win.

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