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>> No.9201896 [View]
File: 1.97 MB, 4032x3024, 8F0D70B2-AAC9-4AD0-8E79-7AFC69B8CE5E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’m just a guy, just like you. (Minus the weird nip fetishes and diapers and buttsx and whatever you whippersnappers get into. In my day it was puuuure acid blotters. Not this chink compounded poison you kids call LSD, it’s not unless you live in Switzerland)
>But I digress.
>I woke with a start just now
Fuck your meme greentexting. I mined 3 BTC in 2010 off believe it or not, from some random spam trade chat in the barrens while burning out and raiding. Mind you, it caught my attention enough at the time amongst niggerniggerniggerniggerniggerniggerniggernigger to look into it.
>whoah, cool concept (back to meme greentext)
>download core on quad 4 while visiting Jesus on REAL hallucinogens
>dropping in and out of love with WoW at this point, no time, growing up
>was still pwning noobs at least 1 hour each night in 2012 on COD:UO, still miss that shit, best MP online experience ever made (long live notanks [TxM])
>Met hot chick, got cucked
>moved to DC, uncucked
>FF modern day, uncucked, have badass wife, badass life, moved to rural Murrica again, making it great again. Was unpacking boxes that travelled years with me through pain and joy
> this moment, staring at this

Wat do

>I have the urge to throw it in the river (after extracting college girl nudes, oh boy) and not poison my well. I feel like this will send me to the dark side if those bitcoins are there. I should destroy it.

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