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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance


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>> No.50728687 [View]
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>OMG $70 EOY meme
lol this one hurts

>> No.21416463 [View]
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>real company with real customers
who else /skateboarding/

>> No.14410502 [View]
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None of you will know the JUST I experienced with skateboardcoin. Literally deleted my blockfolio over it. I lost over $200k desu

>> No.14258772 [View]
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>> No.13254870 [View]
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I got greedy

>> No.13156558 [View]
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Those sons of bitches were right all along
>the conglomerate is real
>the shinhan card partnership is real
>the 7-11 partnership is real
>the massive payment processing network is real
>the massive loyalty program possibility is real
I have no feels right now because /biz/ doesn't deserve OMG

>> No.13125715 [View]
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The jungle gooks own my anus

>> No.13074098 [View]
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>mfw exchange has been launched
>mfw Github consistently active with dev
>mfw team continues to grow
>mfw more viable plasma testnet is up
>mfw wallet is slick as fuck
>mfw you realize it actually wasn't a chink scam at all and was just taking the time a real company would take with crypto
holy shit OMG actually is the real deal and sub $2 a token is a fucking steal desu

>> No.13056587 [View]
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>$70 by end of year
>plasma is the gamechanger for Ethereum
>partnerships with McDonalds and Shinhan Bank
>omise is a legitimate company with irl customers
buy it anon, it's literally free money

>> No.12933228 [View]
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remember $70?
remember Google?
remember McDonald's?
makes me sad desu

>> No.10402763 [View]
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I'll start.

>> No.10190073 [View]
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It's been a rough six months lads but things are coming together
>wallet demos uploaded and look slick as fuck
>more viable plasma on target for Q3 release
>NDAs coming to a close with some partnerships coming to light
starting to feel bullish again. How about you all?

>> No.10160474 [View]
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>Technological Pluralism

>> No.9713822 [View]
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>> No.9648445 [View]
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when will OMG release a finished project so I can stop caring about the market and just my sweet fiat staking dividends?

>> No.9014196 [View]
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Launching their own exchange on top of Plasma. OMG will be the foundation and reward us with those sweet staking rewards including ability to cash out directly to fiat

>> No.8992352 [View]
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At this point, I'm assuming 95% of /biz/ is at least holding 100

>> No.8975845 [View]
File: 108 KB, 929x463, bizomg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

....it's pumping...

>> No.8932799 [View]
File: 108 KB, 929x463, 8C7AEA1B-93D9-462F-8F40-C5D77D268E3A.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How fucking stupid do you have to be to not be holding any OMG right now?

>> No.8607941 [View]
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who else bagholding, watching their money sent to Africa?

>> No.7999289 [View]
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It's not even worth helping you anymore.

>> No.7948579 [View]
File: 108 KB, 929x463, E8442C57-270A-4A89-AAEB-00315724C459-7773-0000081EE0ADE060.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't mind me, just shilling for the last time this year.

To begin, you probably have to understand a few things about Plasma and the way it works to understand why you need to use another token. First, plasma is a “Child Chain” that is connected to a “Root Chain”. The way that plasma is designed is that the plasma blockchain is its own separate chain and can process transactions/blocks as fast as it needs to without having to wait for the root chain to update its state, instead the root chain has a set of “Fraud Proofs” that it uses to make sure that the “Child Chain” doesn’t act maliciously with the network. Generally these are checks that the root chain does at certain points to make sure you are not attempting to fraud the system (e.g a fraud proof will probably occur if you try to withdraw funds from the plasma chains onto the native chain, the root chain might say let me check with all the other validators to make sure this transaction is legit before it approves your fund withdrawl) and if you are (attempting to fraud the system)then the root chain will “slash” your tokens. The idea behind this is that the validators would want to act in the networks best interest vs maliciously because

1.It would be costly to attempt to maliciously attack the network as it wouldn’t work unless you had atleast 51% of the tokens (which is probably impossible)
2.If the network did show to be faulty and fraudulent then the price of the tokens would plummet (e.g BITCONNEECTTTT) and then the loss in token value would be higher than the gains made from frauding the network.

So why do you need a separate token like OMG, why can’t you use ETH?


>> No.7568781 [View]
File: 108 KB, 929x463, bizomg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When this thing finally moons, it's gonna be the greatest thing ever

>> No.7235704 [View]
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jesus christ faggots, once the bear market dies this shit is going on a nuclear bull run. It's literally almost $10 right now.

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