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>> No.56028595 [View]
File: 121 KB, 720x471, Screenshot_20230905-060200_Brave.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah well 2 verses after that, theres this one. Basically he's saying, "its nearly impossible for a rich man to be saved, but through God all things are possible". Because in order to get rich, you have to make evil jew decision #1, do you fuck a bunch of people over, or do you sell something to them that they need. Now, if they really want it or need it, theyre going to buy a lot of said thing. Now comes evil jew decision number #2, do you (A)-price gouge them or (B) charge just enough to cover operating costs? Okay so you chose B. Now your operation is gaining support exponentially.. Time for evil jew decision #3. With all these resources and all this power, do you (A) Join a secret society and start employing and importing only niggers in order to lower operating costs of hiring white people? And begin the death spiral, Or (B) NOT live in a giant mansion keep hiring white people, and the life cycle continues.

Being jewish isnt just a bloodline or fraternity, its a way of thinking, it is greed personified. Leaning towards materialism produces evil and slavery, while leaning towards spiritualism encourages life and happiness.
Thats what pic related is all about I feel like, yeah it may be hard for a rich man to enter heaven, but with god, its not impossible.
We were put here on this world to toil, not have someone else toil for us. This world is a test and if your first inclination is to cheat, youre probably failing.

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