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>> No.56703453 [View]
File: 306 KB, 1024x1024, green candle gamestop store 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It makes perfect sense once you understand that it's all fake and gay and a certain insider group of lizard adjacent people has full command over the stock market. the stockmarket is not the economy but just a tool to extract wealth from the outgroup plebs towards the bank accounts of the ingroup insiders.
All the funny graphs going up and down to give the illusion of a free market is all just bots trading between each other and swapping assets from left to right. Retail is purposefully put at a disadvantage in a game who's rules can be made up on the spot by the richest players to keep them rich.
Their favorite money making strategy is to mark certain companies for death, mostly not because of economical reasons but for ideological and political reasons, and then with the help of their insider plants these guys short the marked companies into the ground. The best thing is that they don't even use their own money but money printed into their pockets and lent to them against their assets but because this ingroup is so tiny all the money is being kept in a very tight network of interconnected rich guys doing each other favors.
The best thing is that the people elected government as well as the mass media are in on the plot and are just tools to facilitate the theft of the publics money and assets. This is just the 0.1%ers using the 0.9%ers against the 99%ers. A story as old as time but with Gamestop it has reached a historically unique visibility. Even the most "financially uneducated" (outsider) retard retail plebian is finally understanding that the stock market is just a giant grift and that (You) are not allowed to become rich because you are a thread to their power.
Gamestop was marked for death but it didn't go as planned so this is why it is stuck in this weird purgatory limbo:
TLDR: gme can't go down because of retail autism and it can't go up because of talmudic fuckery.
Or will it?

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