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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance


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>> No.56947983 [View]
File: 151 KB, 1200x600, conartistcon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Dec 5 2020:
MATIC: $0.019
LINK: $13.50
BTC: $19000
ETH: $590
BNB: $29.73
SOL: $1.97
ADA: $0.15
DOGE: $0.003
TRX: $0.03
AVAX: $3.61

>Dec 5 2023:
MATIC: $0.81
LINK: $15.60
BTC: $43800
ETH: $2280
BNB: $232
SOL: $64.29
ADA: $0.42
DOGE: $0.09
TRX: $0.10
AVAX: $26.26

Nothing else you can say to this. Why hold an annual conference, called "smart con", if you're not a smart con? There is zero chance link ever takes off, because it was designed as a honeypot for high IQ /biz/ circa 2017. Now, ((they)) have successfully neutralized a large group of intelligent crypto traders while pumping equally useless dogshit for their own profits. Sergey is exactly what I'm implying and the proof is in the money.

>> No.55767298 [View]
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August 6, 2020:
>LINK: $10.08
>No staking

August 6, 2023:
>LINK: $7.11
>Staking launched
>CCIP launched

>> No.55446360 [View]
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We had a lot more confirmed speakers for SmartCon in the past. I wonder if they're keeping this year's list close to the vest. It being in Barcelona is definitely an interesting dynamic, will this one be smaller scale than last year's? I predict SWIFT and DTCC speak again, but who else?

>> No.52902978 [View]
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If I can get this message out to a few people, it would be prudent to understand the current landscape of crypto. I was delusional and adamant that things would improve, but working at Chainlink can create a false sense of reality. I enjoy shitposting with you all here so I will make this as clear as I can

>Sergey was amazed that enterprises don't want to use our software
>Blames it on Adelyn and her team and removes her from CMO
>Enterprises showing interest earlier have ghosted us
>Enterprise abstraction layer is not happening now
>CCIP full of bugs and needs an army working around the clock
>Staking early access disappointed the company with lack of interest
>Getting threats from people because we invited SBF to Smartcon 22
>All of our senior advisors have distanced themselves from the company

You are seeing a balloon slowly deflate rather than pop. We are hemmoraging talent and people are jumping ship. Some believe Sergey is just as shitty as the people at Celsius, Bancor, Terra, etc. and he's gaining unhealthy weight. I think I'm quitting in 2023 but it's too late, I regret joining and I can't stand remote work

>> No.52555530 [View]
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I'm out of crypto for good. All of these bankruptcies are fucked, but Chainlink announcing they're dangling the carrot on a treadmill again for 2 more years is the final straw. Sergey must be retarded to think he's honest while pulling this stunt. 24 months to unlock?! This isnt ETH, he massively fucked up not having staking ready in the summer at the least to counter, now he releases it as crypto starts to die from ponzis unraveling.

>> No.51724683 [View]
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It was pretty fun but absolutely overblown. Most of the "headliners" have nothing to do with Chainlink

>Huffington didn't mention LINK once
>SBF didn't even show up in person
>Balaji shilled his book
>No launches or releases (December is Q4)
>The media section was almost completely empty
>All of the bathrooms were flooding or out of supplies
>The venue was sloppy
>Some of the attendees said they weren't interested in LINK
>90% of the conference was shilling other projects

No wonder Schmidt was slamming plaid for not advertising his project. Where was CNBC, Bloomberg or Fox Business? Where was the staking announcement AT the event? Why did so many crypto bros talk over the presenters in the back of the room?

I've been to a number of conferences and this was one of the worst. After the Schmidt talk it completely died. DTCC and BNY Mellon were thrown in to seem like they are on the LINK train. This project was once top 5 but I don't see how it maintains top 25.

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