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>> No.7886812 [View]
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Just this once, I'm going to pass along some old family secrets from a generation of innawoods farmers.
You are going to want a spectrometer. Its a small device that tests the density of nutrients in your produce. The nutritional content is called "brix." The scale generally goes from 1-11 brix. A walmart tomato will register at maybe a 3-4, which is dogshit. There is no nutrition in the food. We are literally nutritionally starving while eating ourselves to death. A properly grown tomato will register 7-9 on the scale, but theoretically you can go higher.
You want to know the craziest shit? You don't need any kind of pesticide. Ever. You know how a lion will pick off a weak or young gazelle before it will attack a robust adult male? It's the same for bugs and plants. If your produce is robust, strong-- healthy-- the insects will avoid it. If its low nutrition (brix), they will swarm it and ruin your crop. It's counterintuitive, but it's the truth. It's just nature.
You want heirloom seeds. You want soil to include peat and worm castings, at the very least. For gigantic produce, put manure on top of the soil, cover with carpet, light a fire underneath, and let it slow burn for weeks. It's an aztec method. Anything you plant will be enormous. Spray your plants with compost tea. Aerate it with the shit that makes bubbles in a fish tank. The nutritional content will skyrocket.
This is good shit, anon. Enjoy in case of economic apocolypse.

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