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>> No.57714634 [View]
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Im bored im going to make an update

>> No.57557355 [View]
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I have friends that i never hang out with
My democrat friends just sit smoking pot all day while complaining about replublicans
My republican friends just sit around smoking pot and complaining about democrats all day. Last weekend I spend 3 hours over at one of my friends house and I wanted my 3 hours back. I'd rather spend my time here. You guys are at least interesting.

>> No.57319900 [View]
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Does anyone have any old post or any artwork they would like to submit in regards to poem anon? I am going to make a tribute video to him. I was joking about him being dead for quite awhile but I have recently got some news that he in fact took his own life and it's bothering me. I think he deserves his own video.

>> No.56656454 [View]
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I want to PRINT OUT SCOOPSIES FACE TO PASTE ON MY SCOOPSIES MANNEQIEIN but I obviouslyt cant do it at work because they will ask questions and i can't do it at my parent's because they will ask questions

>> No.56073066 [View]
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I'm going to be honest... I miss baggot. Sometimes you just need a jew close to (you). Bloomberg anon hates baggot and I think its unfounded

>> No.55926260 [View]
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That's the problem, I have no idea. I've never had a rash in my life. It's painful as shit and I already scheduled a doctors appointment for tomorrow, but it's only an urgent care place. If they can't figure it out and tell me to go to a dermatologist i'm fucked because I simply cannot afford that. That would also fuck my job interview because i'll look like a leper, which means if I don't get the job, I'll lose my apartment and be completely fucking screwed. I don't know if i've ever been so anxious in my life. My last day at my current job is friday and if I don't have a replacement it's over.

>> No.55915855 [View]
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I haven't been here the last couple of days. I've been stressing over this rash in my beard. It's $100 just to walk in the door at urgent care and i'll be goddamned if I pay that. I think i'm winning the fight though. Been using apple cider vinegar and tea tree oil to combat it. I think i'll win. So anyways, what did I miss?

>> No.55778611 [View]
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I'm entering a poker tournament in a few minutes. Please give me digits to wish me luck

>> No.55718067 [View]
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Welp I think my landlord officially thinks i'm a serial killer or something. Right after he showed his brother the apartment I left for work. I just got home and went upstairs into my bedroom. There is a walk in closet in my bedroom that is completely empty. Empty except for scoopsies dismembered mannequin corpse and the closet was closed when I got up, it was open when I went back up to check. No talking my way out of that one. They both profusely apologized when they left for the inconvenience and now I understand why. To make matters worse his brother is a fucking doctor visiting for the first time from lebanon, and his first taste of America was my goddamn apartment. Guess I just have to roll with this one because there is really no going back. The silver lining is I bet he doesn't ask to come up again.

>> No.55681531 [View]
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You guys ever get stuck on little things in the past you wish you would had did things differently? I don't mean like taking that job, or asking a certain girl out. For me, it's thinking about growing up in grade school and seeing that one kid that always sat alone for lunch. Never had any friends and was always the butt of everyone's jokes. In high school kids like that always found an outlet, but in elementary school I feel like no kid should have to deal with that. I wish just once I would have sat with that kid and had lunch with him. Thanks for listening to my blog. I'm getting really goddamn soft as I get older

>> No.55641924 [View]
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Not going to lie, I really didn't care for the sporting event. Too many people, the vastness of the stadium gave me an existential crisis, and I have a terrible fear of heights and we were sitting on the second deck so I was in a state of panic about half the time. I don't think there is an hope for me. I think i'm too far gone. I'll never be able to be a normalfag. Honestly just being in Detroit and seeing the size of the buildings and the congestion of the city was giving me panic attack, but my cousin loved it. I only calmed down once I got in the casino because that's always been where I belong.

>> No.55607142 [View]
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Bros, I need to get out of this job. The qt 19 year girl that works for me is starting to challenge my coom brain too much. She literally has the perfect body. I was training her to change the soap dispensers under the sink and at first she got down on the ground to look under with her ass sticking up. She was wearing the tightest yoga pants i've ever seen. It took literally ever bone, nerve, and muscle fiber completely in unison on a metaphysical level to not instinctually go in for a career ending deep sniff. I don't know how much longer i'll last. Pray for me.

>> No.55579008 [View]
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I sometimes worry that CRBPajeet is going to shoot up this general one day

>> No.55178864 [View]
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Actually a relatively sad story. Last time I talked to him he mentioned that for some reason he was being pursued by the law because his brother in law or something was using his identity to do white collar crimes or something and he was more or less on the run. Haven't seen him here in years.

>> No.54498327 [View]
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It's a shame that so many people were asleep a the wheel for so long that we've got to this point. What a lot of angry right wing youth fail to understand is, the republican party still exists, but conservatives died after Reagan. Every republican after that was basically a RINO, George W being a prime example. I believe that republicans will still hold offices, but I very much doubt they will ever hold the presidency again. If trump somehow manages to escape the legal battle he is in and loses the primaries to Desantis, he'll likely run as an independent and split the republican vote handing the democrats a very easy 2024 victory. If trump isn't eligible to run in 2024 and somehow Desantis wins the election, Radical leftists will riot every single day for 4 years. The right lost the culture war decades ago, and are about to lose the political war, but basically already have. Can you even imagine a Republican being able to hold the presidency anymore at this point? The left has most of gen z under their thumb and will have all of the next generation under their thumb for sure due to the infiltration of the education system. Long story short. The right lost, and a lot of people are still in denial. Decades of republicans being do nothing faggots has caused this and now we are seeing the result. Digital currency will be the final straw when they won't allow you to even live an honest life unless you play by their rules. It's a sad truth and i'm old enough to know what america could truly be if people would just listen to common sense. I feel bad for you zoomers. This is all you know.

>> No.54456607 [View]
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Jesus my body is so fucked up I don't even realize it. I went to my usual gas station after work to buy beer, and the young girl behind the counter comes to open the door for me and she's like 'omg what happened" I was like "uh what?" She was like "you're hobbling" I had to kindly explain to her that getting older is painful and in my case its accelerated kek. Jesus, I thought I hid it better than that.

>> No.53991332 [View]
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Ok listen mumu, this is your last warning. I sympathize with you because I used to be you. Jpow literally said there is nothing the fed can do to stop the US from defaulting. The markets are going to collapse it's not a matter of if but when. I'm sincerely trying to warn you to take a short position. We can all make it. All of us together.

>> No.53731077 [View]
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Wait a minute. Scoopsies doesn't live in New York. Something strange is afoot

>> No.52959336 [View]
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Scoopsies, I'm going to lose my job. I need that $1.5k soon.

>> No.52924767 [View]
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I can't believe i'm about to say this but, I kind of wish baggot was here, I have a football 3 leg parlay I placed today and I want to hear what he thinks of it.

>> No.52916180 [View]
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I agree. I never met a boomer that didn't work his ass off. Yeah they definitely grew up in a golden era, but it's not like they were NEETs begging for retardbux like most of this general.

>> No.52908641 [View]
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Scoopsies, how much would it cost me to have a beautiful woman come to my apartment and listen to me schizo rant on camera for 2 hours?

>> No.52742005 [View]
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>50% loss

>> No.52348552 [DELETED]  [View]
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Is anyone else fascinated with how tiny your penis can get when you're really cold?

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