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>> No.59535072 [View]
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"dino coins" is an acceptable term. why the FUCK is anyone buying ethereum in big 2025 is beyond me. going to buy more sol and epileptic just to piss off meth heads more. retards.

>> No.58661324 [View]
File: 144 KB, 1220x1328, 1640197638250194.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We are all cooked one way or another. Stop pretending to be a Christian, or Orthodox or whatever the fuck. You aren't. You take the passages you like and cherrypick, you perform empty rituals like going to Church every Tuesday, and then you call it a day. Nobody is actually religious in today's age.

I invested in NVDA. AGRS, TAO. MSFT. A lot of AI related shit. Guess what AI is majorly being used for and what its projected use-cases are. That's right, damaging thy neighbor. Taking jobs away, when you needed 20 programmers you only need 5 or less. Not only that but I kinda hate myself for chasing money like this. I failed myself, I'm not true in my thoughts nor actions, I'm greedy, all abhorrent sins that would send me to theoretical Hell pretty much instantly. Do I care? No, because neither Heaven or Hell are real and if they are then well shit, tough luck, I'm not wasting my singular chance at life making a bet I don't even believe in.

>> No.58627875 [View]
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No it's because there's nothing going on with it, every time you guys say "LOOK! THIS COMPANY/BANK SAID THEY'LL WORK WITH LINK! LOOK" nothing comes out of it, it dumps the hardest and pumps the weakest. My Superverse bags have more going on and it's defi gaming related. Just imagine how sad that is.
There is no way ICCP took as long as it did and it did nothing in the end. Maybe it *is* time to move from tech at least for now.

>> No.58419951 [View]
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>>58418328 (OP)
I don't exaggerate when I say this gonna be some hard days, but I hope it gets better after a few weeks. I'm quite interested on solana but ts problem with transactions rise red flags to me, I hope 1intro dex actually works for a change because I'm sweating bullets here.

>> No.57761653 [View]
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>> No.57715599 [View]
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this had to be written by someone with a decent 5 figure a year job, I understand that from your privileged position the job is something to be proud of, but there are also people at mcdonalds making $11 an hour.

>> No.56748041 [View]
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"DAI" that name makes me feel quite sad.

>> No.53574095 [View]
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>I make a thread stating I want to sniff female assholes for profit and how I could go about doing just that
>I get banned for a day
>Pajeet, Habibi and Carlos make some thread about a coin nobody but the owner knows about
>Thread can stay up
>D0B0 gets its 40th thread in a day
>It can stay up


>> No.50305826 [View]
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We are the black sheep of solana.

>> No.50239467 [View]
File: 144 KB, 1220x1328, 164019763823.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the absolute state of this fucking board is incredible

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