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/biz/ - Business & Finance


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>> No.15653240 [View]
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I think I've seen this post on /biz/ at least 50 times since I've been here. Retards like you think you are so smart for stating this without being aware that you're just drones that were brainwashed by someone else. Here's the logical fallacy that you dipshits keep falling into:
>"muh societal collapse"
Pro tip, retard: society won't collapse all at once and people aren't buying crypto to gamble on this 1 or 0 event. When your shithole government turns on you and you get Venezuelaed, while the rest of the world is ok, then you realize it would be nice to have some BTC stored in your brain wallet and cross the border with all your wealth. Even if you can't cross the border, you can easily transfer it to a family member that managed to leave the shithole.
But no, it's always "muh complete societal" collapse with morons like you. It's all or nothing, completely disregarding the fact that every year there's some shithole out there that pulls a Venezuela on its citizens and each time said citizens go into crypto to avoid getting BTFO while the ones that don't, regret not having at least 10% of their networth in crypto when they see their currency inflated 1 million times and their gold confiscated by the government.

If you're living in a 1st world country with 0% chance of turning to shit, crypto is still a good option just for the simple fact that there are place in this world that need crypto and this pushes the demand up. But go ahead, keep believing in your Mad Max bullshit scenario where all that matters is guns, food and medicine.

>> No.12692081 [View]
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>implying you dipshits ever learn
NATURAL SELECTION BITCH! Buy whatever your IQ allows you to and get fucked.

>> No.12557337 [View]
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>anon dropping wisdom again
>won't be listened to

>> No.12448246 [View]
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>1) A child is in a car accident with his mother, the child is brought to the hospital and a nurse in the hospital exclaims "That's my son", what is the relationship between the Nurse and the child?

This shit trick question makes sense mostly to burgers because no matter if it's a male or a female you still call it "nurse". In most other languages we have a feminine and a masculine, depending on what gender the nurse is. Many (non-burger) people are not even aware that you don't have a word for a male nurses. Also growing up with Hollywood movies that portrayed mostly female nurses, the first thought that comes to mind is to translate it using the feminine form. Hell even the dictionaries put the feminine form first.
TL/DR: fuck your retarded language

>> No.10815909 [View]
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>implying a shithead like you even understands 1% of how holochain works

>> No.10345141 [View]
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>implying I haven't been telling you retards that this is an overvalued shitcoin for the past 12 months
get rekt and keep bagholding

>> No.9964041 [View]
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>Nerds figured out a long time ago that mesh networks are fucking impossible without violating broadcast laws.

Sometimes I think this is the best way to make money in crypto. Just recycle an old concept that already didn't work and add a blockchain on top.

Sky did this, Cindicator did this and I'm pretty sure there are at least 2-3 projects that I can't remember right now where their whole spiel is bringing a dead concept back from the grave and taking advantage of the fact that neets are uninformed.

It's like those B movies where the sequel is always "...in Space", except now it's "...on Blockchain". What a fucking joke.

>> No.9707500 [View]
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that's exactly why you have 0 net worth. A loser is a loser. Eat shit.

>> No.9694020 [View]
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you see the replies you get on your post? That's because you're an imbecile and this board feeds on imbeciles like you. They fuck around with your mind and they shake you out, only to rub it in your face later.

Yes, Holo is probably the best project you can be in right now.
Yes, it shits on 99% of the blockchain projects and makes them obsolete.
No, you will "not make it" with it, because by the time this moons, you'd have sold for 5x or 10x since you actually have no idea what you bought. Better yet, maybe the whales cause another shakedown and you sell at a loss.

Anyway, my point is you are the dumb money and dumb money doesn't "make it". This is the only genuine answer you'll receive in this thread. Now fuck off, lurk more and DYOR.

>> No.9387170 [View]
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I get so much pleasure from seeing linkies losing hope. So much arrogance last year, so much shilling. "muh oil fields"

Paying for your arrogance and delusion by staying poor while everyone else is getting rich is the perfect punishment for you faggots.

>> No.9250462 [View]
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I know most people will call you a pussy, but I agree with you. I've heard stories from other guys where some dipshit always goes overboard with their handshake like he's trying to prove something. It never happened to me cause I'm the kind of guy that will headbutt you if you pull that shit on me.

Fun story: some faggot tried to pull that shit with a friend of mine. Basically tried to crush his hand when handshaking. Friend grabbed his arm, pulled it behind his back and threw him on the pavement. Guess he wasn't that tough afterall.

>> No.7642711 [View]
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here's the semi-short version: it might be one of the biggest projects in crypto or it could be an elaborate scam orchestrated by biztards that have been holding bags for 6 months.
Now here's the redpill. Even if you DYOR and you are 100% sure this project will succed, the cost of opportunity is huge. Just look at linkies and how many moon missions have they missed in just the past months. Do you have the strength and will power to buy and hold this shit for years while watching everyone around you get rich left and right?

I'm neutral in regards to link. I was close to buying in at some point but I didn't. Instead I grew went in other projects and now I can buy 3 times as much link as I could in the first place. Now imagine this scenario at a bigger time scale (2-3 years). How many opportunities would you be losing just by holding these link bags? Sure, this shit could pull x100 or x200 in an instant, but as soon as it shows bull signs, everyone can buy in, including the people that weren't holding link before and instead x10ed their money in other projects.

You buying and holding this shit doesn't give you an advantage against those that don't. If you dyor and believe in this project, there's no reason to buy and hold now instead of fucking around with other shitcoins, making gains and then buy link when it first signs of bulling. Just set an alarm or something.

>> No.4555390 [View]
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take this from an anon that researchers the shit out of everything he buys and is a long term-hodler. I like to get in early and wait for x10 or x100 if possible even if the risks are higher.

Substratum is one of those gems that will be insane in 2018 and 2019. That's why you don't often see it discussed on /biz/. As a matter of fact you never see anything good discussed on biz until after it's mooned and the faggots try to dump on you.

If any of you cunts want to buy Sub now, hold it until late december or early january (Developer Toolkit launch). Even there's a small dip until then, hodl that fucking shit.

Don't know what will happen after january, but if it's as useful as I believe it is, you're gonna see some serious shit in 2018.

-buy it now and hold until january for a quick buck
-buy it now and hodl through 2018 for at least x10-x20 gains

>> No.3900199 [View]
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"...and to answer your question pal, why am I here? I came here because Mitch & Murray asked me to. They asked me for a favor. I said the real favor is: follow my advice and fire your fucking ass because a loser is a loser."

>> No.3621642 [View]
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How about you fuck off you piece of shit. This is the 3rd time I've seen you post here. The first time I actually wasted time to answer you. I even deduced that your brain might be fucked and recommended some treatment with nootropic drugs (no side effects).

Second time I saw your post was like: "wtf is he doing? why is he still here shiposting?"

Third time just confirms you're a piece of shit faggot just looking for sympathy.

>One weird trick to fix your life
Go eat shit.

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