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>> No.30100629 [View]
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Of course all OPs were faggots so several redundant threads kept linking to each other. All discussion of BAT will take place here.

>Under 50c -> 70c in the last four days
>Used as a token for the Brave browser, which has just released their Roadmap 2.0, outlining several features they plan to implement in the short to medium term
>Brave props itself as blocking all ads and tracking software by default and giving users BAT tokens in exchange for viewing ads (choice to opt-in)
>Advertisers pay Brave in USD, Brave uses 70% to disperse rewards to users via BAT
>Plans to implement a native wallet from which users can buy and sell crypto and discounts for using BAT to make regular purchases online
>25m monthly users and rising, Roadmap 2.0 aims for 50m monthly by end of next year
>Fixed 1.5 billion supply of BAT which is rapidly being bought up, this will be subsidized by Brave's advertisers and the scarcity of increased ownership
>Time to hold, 2-3 years
>10k suicide stack
>50k make it stack
>100k god tier stack

>> No.29943127 [View]
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More anti schizo-fud: https://nakedsecurity.sophos.com/2020/02/27/brave-beats-other-browsers-in-privacy-study/amp/

"Users looking for a privacy-focused browser might want to consider Brave first, according to a study published this week.

Douglas Leith, professor of computer systems at Trinity University, examined six browsers for his report – Web Browser Privacy: What Do Browsers Say When They Phone Home? He found that Brave’s Chromium-based browser is the least likely to reveal unique identifying information about the computer using it.

The study examined six browsers: Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Brave, Edge, and Yandex. It used several tests to deduce whether the browser can track the user’s IP address over time, and whether it leaks details of web page visits. To do this, it looked at the data shared on startup after a fresh install, on a restart, and after both pasting and typing a URL into the address bar. It also explored what the browser did when it was idle.

Even though Mozilla makes a talking point of privacy in Firefox, it was Brave, developed by Mozilla’s founder (and creator of JavaScript) Brendan Eich, that won out. Brave, which has accused Google of privacy violations, is “by far the most private of the browsers studied” when used with its out of the box settings, according to the paper.

The study placed browsers in one of three privacy classes, based on the time span over which they retain identifiers. Brave gets the top class all to itself because it uses what the study calls ‘ephemeral’ identifiers that link a handful of transmissions and then reset. This means it doesn’t remember your identifier across browser restarts.

The paper lumps Safari, Firefox, and Chrome together in the second band. These browsers share some privacy issues, the paper warns, including auto-tagging each browser instance with unique session and browser instance identifiers..."

Tldr: Brave, OOTB, BTFO other browsers in terms of privacy and security.

>> No.12465823 [View]
File: 62 KB, 1200x675, F61DCF13-D214-49E4-894B-D1999D0434FF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alt season has begun. Post your comfiest alts for 2019.

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