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>> No.58651136 [View]
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anons as a recovering addict that lived homeless for most of his life, let me tell you, life does get better, it takes a lot of time, its not easy at all and you will have to carry the burden of your past mistakes but you can get better and feel good again

first of all release yourself of the version of you that you could've been, all of us have this ideal inside of us that we compare to and it stumps or growth, the only time we exist in is the present and the only person alive is (you) not some ideal professional and rich guy, its you, accept yourself with your failures and your shortcomings because you will never be able to see your good sides if you never confront your bad sides

then, start realizing that you have much more control over your life than you think, i used to think i was stupid, that i was just dumber than the rest, one day i decided fuck it and started saving money something not even the smartest people i knew did, and decided "im not spending this, no matter what" i held on to it for years, that saved money turned into an investment into alts, those alts (agrs,xmr,ada, my babies) literally allowed me to buy my first car, and now i look back and realize i took a smart af decision that maybe others in my same position couldn't have

last thing, stop thinking in futures, "if i get this i will be happy" "if i do this i will be happy" "once i get a house i will be happy" "once i get a gf i will be happy". life is not in the future, its today, its every single moment of "now" that you exist in, if you died tomorrow and your life was only the last 24 hours you lived, would you be content? i sure as hell wasnt, once i started worrying less about the could've and would've and focused more on the now i realized even a day where i came back from my work to have a warm bath could be a happy way to live life, because im alive, just in that im luckier than so so many people

life does get better anons

>> No.58638512 [View]
File: 29 KB, 599x600, 1718270077595318.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Try cowswap. Seriously though, why would you sell the next pepe at such a low mc?

>> No.58626087 [View]
File: 29 KB, 599x600, patienceandcalm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've noticed a lot of strong emotion on this board from people who held Chainlink and it wasn't a happy experience for them. They write page after page about how it has underperformed, how the token supply is inflated, and how it's a bad project. And I understand that. After a strong emotional experience, it's important to vent.
But, as everyone here knows, you will never meet "the one" if all you do all day is complain about your ex. You have to move on.
So this is a thread that is a space for people who have sold link to move on from those feelings, by talking about their future investments.
What will you do with your newfound money and time? What excites you about the future? What are the hottest upcoming investments? It's time to turn towards the light and leave the bad times behind you, anon. It's time to heal.

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