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>> No.56150658 [View]
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This isn't coming close to EVR's VR glasses and metaverse tech, channers shouldn't snooze on this.

>> No.56117880 [View]
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no degree, no skills, what should i do, sold a couple of eth to neet for awhile, but i need some career path ideas. anybody stuck like me, i want something creative, but the whole world is kind of diluted with streamers. diy music. and writers. even podcasts just got diluted, even so i know making a living as a creative is harder as you get older.
Im losing faith in my future, its good ive got investments, but i cant just sell asset to stay away from the poverty line.

>> No.55820209 [View]
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Only if Blackrock proves to be good for crypto.
>there's a chance my (hefty) $POND and $AVAX bags will actually do something
A man can't help but dream...

>> No.55681347 [View]
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So sad that the bear is still with us, How How can I gain more without losing my money. I've got 1k worth of XRP, should I trust gambling or P2E games?

>> No.55555654 [View]
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So how do you feel knowing blockchain is making life easier as Immunify offers individuals greater control over their data, ensuring privacy and security while enabling easy access to health records.

>> No.55544763 [View]
File: 13 KB, 360x277, 20230701_174835.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Will LINK pump soon? I'd rather pump that amount of LINK into Elfin games and purchase more in game items. I hope I don't regret it.

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