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>> No.13506610 [View]
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I started to get fit just this year, im now at month number 3. I go to the gym about 4-5 times a week and go trailrunning in parcs and mountains around quebec city.

How i got to do this is mainly because of an old friend who now also studies here at the same Uni as me. He had already begun the fit lifestyle. One day i chose to join him and start working out.

I've tried to get fit twice before in my life without success. And for real anons. Having a bro with which to do it and who's similarly hyped makes the whole difference. Going to the gym alone whenever v.s. knowing you meet your friend there at x time makes the difference when you tired and questioning whether you should go.

He was just a gym bro. I had never entered into gym bro culture, so having him was exactly what i needed. I like hiking and mountains and shit. So we morphed both our ways to a gym/trail workout.

Now seeing real good gains, looking pre-ripped. Even better and more precise nutrition and i'll be there in no time.

I heavily encourage fellow non-bizfit anons who do not exercise. Do it. For real the endorphin and dopamine rush you get when you finish a real fucking workout is insane. I get some kind of very clean, clear and wired high that lasts for about 1-2 hours and its fucking lit. Do it anons, I believe everybody needs to see themselves fucking ripped at least once in there live and if you are young, the time is now, cause your not getting gonna work a 6 pack in there at 40+ years old.


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