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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance


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>> No.15130968 [View]
File: 614 KB, 808x930, WARFACE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here’s what I don’t get.

I come from /fit/ and /g/ primarily prior to biz, where the redpills are yours to take, at any time once you choose to take them. You want to get fit? Well one day, you get off your ass, go sign up at the gym and begin starting strength. Wanna learn programming? You sit down at your computer, spend the time learning from tutorials and building your own projects, and build your skills. Both of which I have done.

But with making money it’s different. Sure, if you have money you learn where to invest it and trade it, that’s all well and good. But if starting from 0 or even worse already in debt, then you’re fucked until you can get a good enough job or make it big on a winning 100x shitcoin moon.

How do you get a good enough job? Networking, kissing ass and luck/ timing. Even with shitcoins, mostly luck/timing and of course DYOR and whatever, but again you have to have some money beforehand, and also you risk losing a significant amount of it if your luck turns sour.

This sucks bc I can’t get a job. Have a year gap on my resume and even though I’ve been doing programming freelancing where I can and building my own projects, it still comes down to waiting for someone to offer you one.

Fuck! Some anon made a thread yesterday asking what the SS of /biz/ would be; I really wish it was as easy as finding a local gym and putting your nose to the grindstone and repping out squats and oats. But to succeed in /biz/iness, you have to deal with ~society~.

>> No.14853810 [View]
File: 614 KB, 808x930, WARFACE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Basically everyone's deposits above some amount ($250k in the US) are confiscated by the bank.
That's how you start a global civil war bucko!

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