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>> No.12366927 [View]
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No OP, and here's why:
>look up the major issues and form my own opinion

See? Found the problem. Your opinion is wrong. I know this is bait and I'm mad on the internet, but I'm going to humor you anyway since everything you posted is bullshit and memes. Here, let me guide you through it:

>Climate change
China is THE major polluter in the world, they don't give a shit and they're just trying to put up smokescreens.

>General aggression
Ever heard of Tibet and Taiwan and China's attitude toward them?

>Space/science cooperation
Seeing as one of their own space stations fell into the Pacific last April, I believe America was right to block the Chinese from working on the IS. Everything the fuckers build is shoddy and falls apart.

>Xi (Chinese President) wants more economic cooperation doesn't want to police everyone
Huh, that must be why they deny Tiananmeng Square to this day and censor their own internet.

Thanks for playing, come again.

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