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>> No.2025411 [View]
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>Education is the best investment
There is little correlation between money spent and education archived, but you're right that education in itself if achieved gives the opportunity to create great things.

Source for the meme pictures: Class 22 of TTC Lecture- The Art of Teaching.

>> No.2001045 [View]
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How old are you?
If you are <30 yes.
<35 Maybe
>35 Do what you must.

Do you have any children or people depending on you?
If yes, then no!

Could you life with fucking up?
If yes, yes.

If you at the end decide yes, then buy a mix of the top 10 or so cryptocurrencies and pray to the trading gods.

Also @16m 16s:

>> No.1996213 [View]
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>Is it too late to get into crypto trading
>Does living in a shitty third world country makes it a bad deal?
Nah brow. This will become the dot-com-bubble of our generation.

This time it's global and the best thing is the playing field has never been so even. Banks and rich first-word investment funds aren't even really in the game yet.
In the 2000's bubble, banks had all the advantages in the world because they were managing the internet companies IPO's and were right at the source of all information and financing of deals. Also, third world people were unable to profit because they couldn't even get trading accounts.

In crypto, it doesn't matter whether you're a rich smug or a poo in loo from some shitty Indian backwater with smartphone in hand.

>> No.1880787 [View]
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>My mom is on her third master's program and eying a Ph. D. or another degree. She's in her early 60s
Paying for the education jew is only fine when you are young because the degree to signals to companies that you are smart and employable (of course there are other ways but all are complex)

At the age of +60 adding formal education is just pure consumption like going on a cruise or buying a sports car.
She might as well just educate herself since all the material is on the internet for free. Chances are however, that she goes to university just for social contacts and because she likes the campus environment.

>> No.1832484 [View]
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>> No.1811768 [View]
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Slow learner here.

>> No.1670790 [View]
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>it's hard enough for Americans to work at hedge funds :/
It's not like he is starting with a minor disadvantage. He has a fucking mountain to climb.
Also most third world poorfags at Wallstreet have strict science or mathematical background and are only being exploited as code monkeys for their autistic brains. They have little to no chance to rise within the organization since there are way too many Americans with much better habitual knowledge.

>> No.1662282 [View]
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Sure, he harvested a lot of low hanging fruits and also got lucky.

However, in business as in life, luck only comes to those who help themselves. Before he got successful he really tried lots of different stuff and was very persistent. At the end, it's all a game of probability. Most people with no superior skills and intelligence will never find a tree with low hanging fruits to harvest, but if you try a lot you can at least maximize your probability of finding something and if the stars all align and god is smiling at you a certain day, you might get lucky yourself one day.

>> No.1631297 [View]
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Around $110k is the low end. This is probably what low middle class parents would have to spend if they wanted to raise their child "normally". Greedy or poor parents might only spend 90k but beyond that there is not much more potential for cost cutting without severely negative impact.

Of course like any hobby you can make your children much more expensive if you want.
Expensive vacations, sports, counseling, childcare, private lessons, learning instruments etc. etc. can bring up costs to 200-300k easily. Of course, your child will likely have a much more well-rounded personality and character in return. However, there is only so much one can do and I believe spending more than $500k wouldn't yield a good return on your money. You might spend more if money is no objective but if you just want your child to turn out relatively well 250-300k$ is a good amount.

>> No.1617471 [View]
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but your degree status is used as a filter/qualifier to seriously get your foot in the door.

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