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>> No.51056515 [View]
File: 189 KB, 2048x1102, FYp-uL9XgAAug-3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No woketard, you're just a pretender, a fat, greasy, south park incarnation of the wow meme, you are irrelevant, You are a parasite living in a basement, surrounded by filth and piss bottle, the only pleasure you have in life is when you fap to lolicon with or when you think you are a warrior on a crusade to fight the evil chud on the internet because it's the only way for you to have a little bit of an existance.

You may keep SEETHIG about le chud, but remember well tranny.

We are here to stay.

Don't forget to dilate.

>Complain all day long about muh pol
>Admit he wants to get rid of them
> NO U

It really seems that your HRT, besides taking away the little amount of testosterone you had, really rotten your braincell as well.

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