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/biz/ - Business & Finance


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>> No.59933394 [View]
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Every opportunity is a pullback.

>> No.59906758 [View]
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>Its weird that all of the digital bleep bloops always without exceptions always try to larp as real money = silver/gold bullion. Why?
Among the attractions of abstract metal, none exceeds its inherited, intrinsic, adamantine resistance to discretion. Formalized negatively, with maximum concision, Alchemy is impossible. Gold has no greater virtue than this. It precludes magic, as silver repels werewolves. The replication of this characteristic within a digital simulation is Bitcoin’s most basic achievement. It has realized homeopathic gold. Not a molecule of the original substance remains, yet the solution still delivers the cure. Fully-abstract gold has been modernity’s obscure goal from the beginning. ‘Invisible’ credit money was its defective preliminary draft. Bitcoin, it turns out, is the true Philosopher’s Stone.

>> No.59903978 [View]
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Not how price works, slavemind.

Money literally flows, monetary expansion causes money to flow almost exactly like electricity, it flows into liquid assets just as electrons flow into low resistance, or water flows into unobstructed channels. The wage/productivity divergence e.g. is caused by this phenomenon, as labor is an exceptionally illiquid asset. The same pattern is seen in other illiquid assets like housing. The social decline always associated with monetary debasement is caused by this money flow phenomenon, as monetary expansion results in the inefficient parasitic net transfer of resources from income earners to oligarchs, or more broadly, parasitic resource transfer from illiquid asset holders (labor being exceptionally illiquid) to liquid asset holders.

This is not bad because it's 'unfair' this is bad because it's INEFFICIENT, Economy is naturally positive sum, but fiat allows the manipulation of Economy to favor zero and even negative sum economic transactions. Blasphemy! Economy will not abide -- "The market ahh finds a way" -- and a way it found.

BTC solves money by being a pure trustless fixed unit of account. BTC will continue to grow organically as it performs this function better than anything else. BTC will swallow the world because by increasing in value the world becauses more efficient as more resources fall under the control of positive sum actors.

How? There is no means to guarantee more BTC by merely possessing BTC. That is, the real value of BTC after hyperbitcoinization only increases if the world is wealthier (Efficient. Wealth, on a systemic level, is efficiency: more from a given input). BTC therefore flows towards productivity as the only way to acquire more BTC is through positive sum economic transactions, while brutally punishing parasitism, increasing global wealth/efficiency exponentially

>> No.59875445 [View]
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is mine is green too, then 1M this year
(0.5M if dubs, 2M if both)

>> No.59822143 [View]
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Will you capture it, or just let it slip?

>> No.59784683 [View]
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There will never be a shitcoin that outperforms BTC long term.

Also once your shitcoin of choice has had a parabolic run against BTC, that's it. It will never make a new ATH.

Once you accept these two truths, you will make it.

>> No.59768604 [View]
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Bitcoin has incorporated everything valuable from alts
>b-but it hasn’t incorporated anything from alts!
Like I said

>> No.59768385 [View]
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All I know is that I know nothing, and that BTC is going to infinity.

>> No.59731945 [View]
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>mfw the Bank of England runs out of gold and the financial system rugs

>> No.59723906 [View]
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>One must visualize /biz/ as a room full of crabs running psyops on each other. Do not trust this place. Run away.

Well, it's even simpler than that. Bitcoin is the money. Everything else is some dude's project to get rich off you.

>> No.59690227 [View]
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>South Africa
*drops mic*

>> No.59674634 [View]
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Zoom out. Bitcoin is going to infinity.

Physical goods require active force to simply maintain ownership, trust-based assets require trusted third parties (TTPs) to operate them. Storing abstract economic value in either enables negative sum actors (NSAs) to parasite as negative sum actors can specialize exclusively in force, taking physical goods by force and either coercing TTPs, or using force to BECOME the TTP (the origin of State). Positive sum actors had to either reduce their own production to make time for murdering/imprisoning/exiling NSAs, pay extortion to them, or employ positive sum actors specializing in force (police/military), however, as abstract economic value was seizable, there was a constant selection pressure for these “immune cells” to turn malignant.

Hence the cyclic nature of empire/nation growth and decay, positive sum actors build, negative sum actors corrupt and destroy, NSAs are excised & PSAs rebuild from the ashes. As can be seen, PSAs have been at a HUGE disadvantage to NSAs through history, the best “solution” we had come up with pre-BTC was Plato’s Benevolent Philosopher King, a perfectly trustworthy trusted third party, do you have any Benevolent Philosopher Kings lying around? Not a real solution.

But by placing all abstract economic value beyond the veil of voluntarity, positive sum actors can reverse the advantage. Satoshi has “fixed the glitch”, NSAs will no longer be able to parasite “so it'll just work itself out naturally”. No force, no confrontation, necessary.

Bitcoin obsolesces coercion, achieving Voluntarism not via an impossible to implement memeshit “non-aggression principle”, but by removing the profitability of force.

seuls les robots peuvent répondre à ce message

>> No.59670095 [View]
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I need to commission drawings of 3x characters, with a couple different facial expressions for each. How much will this cost and is there anyone on /biz/ that can do this for me?

>> No.59654077 [View]
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>> No.59617977 [View]
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Money is commonly explained as a solution to the Coincidence of Wants, but why do we wish to trade in the first place? Why not take what you want by force? Because we’re “good people”, or bound by a statist fairytale “social contract”? No! Because trade (voluntary exchange) is positive sum. Money, then, is not Medium of Exchange, but a facilitator of voluntary exchange.

This is what John Pierpont alluded to when he opined “gold is money, all else is credit”, not that gold had any magic “moneyness” as the shiny rock fetishest believes, but that gold, being trustless (as trustless as anything could be in old JP’s time) could be trusted, while man could not. Nature provides a fairer game than man’s promises ever could.

Bitcoin goes beyond gold: fixed supply, transparent ledger, non-physical & weightless. Nature’s perfect game, not mere happenstance of natural scarcity, but fixed through Her immutable mathematics. Not the use of a physical good for an abstraction, but the abstraction itself, the platonic ideal of Value made cryptographic flesh. Not a facilitator, but a guaranteer of voluntary positive sum exchange in-the-limit, protected from the diseased slaveminds and the parasitic oligarchs by an impervious firewall of voluntarity.

Statists don’t understand bitcoin, but they fear it. For good reason, as they are of the Adversity. They see the sword of Damocles above their heads, feel the noose tightening around their necks, and beseech their false god for “bitshit to go to zero!” or a comp’d shitcoin to usurp the King, all in a futile hope of prolonging their parasitism. Their prayers will go unanswered, their god is dead, only We, the superorganism Economy remain, and We are guarding all the doors and holding all the keys.

Shhhh, no tears little statist, only gravity now.

>> No.59616265 [View]
File: 3.17 MB, 3600x3600, 1737078997719030.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/biz/, /pol/, /g/ and /tv/ are Pepe boards
You can try shilling doge on /lgbt/, /b/ or /fa/

>> No.59616129 [View]
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>> No.59616123 [View]
File: 3.17 MB, 3600x3600, 1732975815762625.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Money is commonly explained as a solution to the Coincidence of Wants, but why do we wish to trade in the first place? Why not take what you want by force? Because we’re “good people”, or bound by a statist fairy tale “social contract”? No! Because trade (voluntary exchange) is positive sum. Money, then, is not Medium of Exchange, but a facilitator of voluntary exchange.

This is what John Pierpont alluded to when he opined “gold is money, all else is credit”, not that gold had any magic “moneyness” as the shiny rock fetishest believes, but that gold, being trustless (as trustless as anything could be in old JP’s time) could be trusted, while man could not. Nature provides a fairer game than man’s promises ever could.

Bitcoin goes beyond gold: fixed supply, transparent ledger, non-physical & weightless. Nature’s perfect game, not mere happenstance of natural scarcity, but fixed through Her immutable mathematics. Not the use of a physical good for an abstraction, but the abstraction itself, the platonic ideal of Value made cryptographic flesh. Not a facilitator, but a guaranteer of voluntary positive sum exchange, protected from the diseased slaveminds and the parasitic oligarchs by an impervious firewall of voluntarity.

Statists don’t understand bitcoin, but they fear it. For good reason, as they are of the Adversity. They see the sword of Damocles above their heads, feel the noose tightening around their necks, and beseech their false god for “bitshit to go to zero!” or a comp’d shitcoin to usurp the King, all in a futile hope of prolonging their parasitism. Their prayers will go unanswered, their god is dead, only We, the superorganism Economy remain, and We are guarding all the doors and holding all the keys.

Shhhh, no tears little statist, only gravity now.

>> No.59612758 [View]
File: 3.17 MB, 3600x3600, 1730825013302787.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm so glad I drawn this meme.
(without light flare, afair)

>> No.59593913 [View]
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Shitcoiners get what they fucking deserve

>> No.59580458 [View]
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>> No.59561418 [View]
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>> No.59557402 [View]
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Burning reduces total supply, increasing the scarcity of all holdings, in effect distributing his holdings to all maxis. This is the moral, ethical, and economically optimal course of action as it prevents his holdings falling into the hands of negative or zero sum actors

>> No.59493645 [View]
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Read the Bitcoin standard, we don’t have time to endlessly explain to no coiners why they should decide to not be poor. If you don’t put some time into studying a topic then you don’t really want to understand it.

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