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>> No.19466820 [View]
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I need smart ideas on how to use this opportunity to my businesses advantage.

Opportunity: I was recently given a 5-Year Interest free loan of $40k with a $10K forgivable grant (I only pay back $30K). Repayment begins in month 13 and I must pay back $500 monthly until the end of month 60.

Question: How can I most effectively leverage this loan in the market? I honestly do not have much use for the full amount. I plan to spend approximately $10K upgrading some equipment but beyond that I look to invest it.

Details: 30 Years Old, Run a Web Design and Marketing Business that makes me on average 80K per year profit. No kids or dependents.

Any advice you can give would be super helpful.

>> No.17750581 [View]
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>> No.17612423 [View]
File: 235 KB, 500x511, 1566062700076.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

identifying a problem and presenting a viable solution are two different things. he identifies the problem as big gov and his solution is more big gov. what a retarded faggot.

>> No.15920197 [View]
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>> No.15329126 [View]
File: 235 KB, 500x511, gommunist memeball3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One of the faulty premises that is based on is labor theory of value, which can be debunked in ten seconds by any 100+ IQ rational thinker. "I just dug a 3 meter hole and filled it back up again, pay me". The government is not any better at allocating resources/labor than the bum who digs a hole without asking anyone and then demands payment for his labor, they don't have a voluntary relationship with those they rule over despite the many absurd fallacies that comprise the belief in democracy.

One might be a skilled electrician yet not want to go through the trouble of starting and running your own business. That you consign your labor/skills as apart of someone else's business is not being taken advantage of, it is demonstrable to be in this hypothetical electrician's interest because they voluntarily chose this arrangement. Pic related is the type of retard communist to declare to the electrician that he is being taken advantage of, or else a rent seeking academic or politician that exists entirely as a parasite upon the tax base and may never have had a real job (someone like Bernie Sanders). It is only these parasites who have never had real jobs never mind ran their own business, that will discount the value of being a business owner / employer.

Socialists / communists don't have a coherent defensible theory of value, therefor their declarations about the value of labor versus the value provided by the employer / business owner is entirely arbitrary and meaningless.

>> No.15288560 [View]
File: 235 KB, 500x511, gommunist memeball3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let bernie tell you how to run your business, he's got so much experience with these sort of things. That he appeals the most to college educated but unsuccessful millennials and zoomers, only goes to show he's got the pulse of what is going wrong and so naturally best knows how to fix it.

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