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>> No.23707172 [View]
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beyond based
>mfw shorting link, bnb, sushi, avax
>mfw gains

>> No.21611967 [View]
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>> No.20313769 [View]
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shorting bitcoin till 0

>> No.20036906 [View]
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never been comfier

>> No.19973814 [View]
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Weak cope it's crabbing downwards

>> No.19912188 [View]
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until it doesn't

>> No.19820731 [View]
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I'm thinking 0.072 makes for a nice top. It had a good run.
I waited long enough. Going back to 0.10 certainly was a pipedream, but I didn't expect the dead cat bounce to last that long.
I will now start selling my bags and oh boy you will see the price tank. This will be my ultimate last warning, sell and take profit now. So long.

>> No.19672705 [View]
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The bear market never ended

>> No.19443729 [View]
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What killed the hype? It's obivious in retrospect. I'm one click away from selling. I thought dumps were only temporary? It's the longest one so far. Doomposters were right to assume the ATH would be around 5cents, I don't think STAQ can go higher. This token while promising with its non bullshit approach failed to hold trust, speculators had their fun and didn't even look at the telegram
Unless if by some miracle we get pajeets to buy this it will never take off. For people who are unsure I'd recommend to sell right now, depending on when you bought you'll leave with a comfy stack.

>> No.19355633 [View]
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>Tfw this was Satoshi's vision all along.

>> No.19263630 [View]
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y'know, I had an existential crisis about that a few days ago.
Then i realized is okay.
Ride or Die, baby

>> No.19246568 [View]
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I can't wait until we have flags and biz can see that all 6 gorillian posts come from pajeets in India and Pakistan, trying to grow their $2 stack of shitcoins.

>> No.19238839 [View]
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>> No.19173604 [View]
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Total capitulation when?

>> No.19162814 [View]
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big stinky crash monday :^)

>> No.19103597 [View]
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they never learn, do they?

>> No.19095363 [View]
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>> No.19056283 [View]
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I was at Costco today buying apocalypse food and that bitch was EMPTY.

I think everyone panic stocked up on food and now they're set for a quite a while.

Not sure how that'll affect Costco's stink value, but this bitch'll crash anyways so who cares

>> No.19031280 [View]
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I am bearish on everything

>> No.18723096 [View]
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This is a bear only thread, only shorters are allowed to post. Mumus are not welcome. In this thread we publicly post our short positions and our liquidation price. My short position on ETH is at 197 and liquidation price is 235.
Looking to open a big short on BTC as it nears $8K. Post your position and your liquidation price, do not be afraid. Mumu won't be able to hurt you.

>> No.18342544 [View]
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Time to short bitches , it's our time
$6000 here we come

>> No.16729819 [View]
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kek I told that faggot what was going to happen (back to $1) he didn't listen while I got my sweet short ins and raking a shit ton of cash.


>> No.16728856 [View]
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you know we are going to 4k by mid January right? RIGHT?

>> No.16700501 [View]
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kek look at these cucks and basedboyerino supporting the strikes, aint so good now isnt it

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