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>> No.58337922 [View]
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>My bank account blame you for this, i never have been this poor (but sovl rich) before.

Kek, I know that feel bro. If not a bad influence my evangelical numisfagging has certainly had an impact on your beleaguered bank balance. I can't truthfully say I'm sorry, but hopefully you've been exercising a little discipline and continue to collect good deals. I've been sorting and revisiting my collection and rediscovered this amusing bronze (above the cast crab claw onkia coin from Akragas) from Bruttium depicting the head of the sea-goddess Amphitrite wearing a crab head-dress (lol wtf), it has another crab in its full glory on the reverse too. I luv me crabs fren, they're so based. The rocks are agates from the Lake Superior region I found walking creeks, they're among the most desirable agates on earth. I sold a bigger one for $800 about 10 years ago.

>Not sure if i did good or bad considering a corner is missing (35€).

The chipped edge does no favors but since it left the aesthetically superior octopus intact that's definitely a fair price, I would have bought it for 35 too. It would cost 5x that or more without the damage and I'm sure could be sold at profit, Syracuse octopus litrae are very appealing and coveted coins.

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