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>> No.50022840 [View]
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>I guess I make these threads because a bit of me still wishes it was true - NICE ESL BTW
>Why is it so hard to believe that GME investors who had been told for a year and a half that generational wealth was just around the corner might start to get disillusioned and sell at one point?
Samefags the same sentiment points thread after thread, with the same antichrist image
>I've posted this twice now.
At least 4 times I have seen it with text verbatim, nice try
>When your entire stock thesis boils down to "I really want this stock to go up and everyone who tells me it might not is a shill" you're ngmi
Thanks for playing "I never really held"
>Seems to rile you up doesn't it? What's the matter, annoyed that someone is asking inconvenient questions? Don't worry bro, if the MOASS thesis is as solid as you insist it is, I'm sure someone will be along shortly to set it out and rebut my posts with actual DD
Thinks exposing him as a shill "riles" us up somehow, that his sealioning isn't a) gaslighting or b) sentiment driving

Man they are so BAD at this

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