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>> No.58324946 [View]
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>tip to lose weight fren
I teter between low 250s and high 240s now. I was 280 at my highest.
Walk daily. In college I used to hike at least once a week, 4 seasons a year, w/ 30-40lbs on my back. Built good lower and core strength. Now that weight inside my skin, so walking around the neighborhood is rocking w/o the pack.
I smoke weed on paydays only (never smoked in high school at all, only a few times in college, daily when I worked a night shift in a data center last job).
I have a much harder time not drinking. Never been to AA but if my weight stagnates I may consider.
I eat mostly meats, vegetables and I drink whey shakes after lifting weights. Keifer too, 10/10 would recommend. I like low weight, very high rep (I can bench 10x10 105lbs effortlessly now) but when you get good, increase weight and figure out your max. I bench 20x5 1pl8 now and my goal through nanoloading is 10x10 1pl8. That's just for bench pressing. Once I lose weight I'm going to buy a squat rack, another bar and pl8 set for my garage. There's other upper lifts I do, reverse curls, OHP, rows, etc...
I casually browsed /fit/ for a while and got what I needed. I stay away from /k/ because I end up spending more on that hobby than stacking PMs, at least /fit/ has an end when it comes to equipment. Good food is a constant, but if you actually cook for yourself and not listen to "HeAlThY fOoD iS eXpEnSiVe" dipshits, you're good.
And get a good workout playlist. Mines 75% thrash metal songs about war, 25% other about weapons.

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