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>> No.58925257 [View]
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the last-stage pivot is always this exact narrative about the tg and saying its full of gatekeepers that will instantly ban you
for some reason they can never provide proof of this or provide their usernames (except for harry doornut who was banned after constant "is this a rug? is it over forever?" soft-fud posting)

hey, did you miss this one? >>58924583
kinda weird that you ignored it again and instead pivoted to
>asking the community if anyone wants to help with community moderation and relaying bugs to dev is a bad thing

>> No.58919098 [View]
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youre wording it like shib is a wealthy family and the avi team is full of spoiled yacht club trust fund kids
in reality its a brand, and avis team is full of the ones who helped organize its success and turn it into what it was at its peak
for some odd reason, immediately after all of these autistic white programmer furries got fired for whistle-blowing about the ESL leads being scammers, the brand went to complete shit and its been nothing but nonstop eth farms built by literal fiver indians ever since
its almost like the autistic white programmer furries were the only reason shib was good and not the retarded greedy serial scammers who showed up later

>> No.58845043 [View]
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>ill always concede that avi holders have to endure a lot of waiting
>"legitimate criticism" posting for avi literally always boils down to this
yes, we're waiting on hacken to finish, and we're on the exact same timeline hacken gave us when they started
nothing to show for it is blatant disinformation though
tell me why that bug bounty is paused

25 posts and you still havent asked them any of your hard and compelling questions yet
im literally telling you >>58844878 to go there and
>make them shiver at the first mention of something that is 100% true
and no,
>Let's see the bridge first
(in response to someone mentioning avi going to billions of mcap)
isnt a question

>> No.58727478 [View]
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i have my avi bags packed already and thats my lowcap play, so im slurpie'ing bluechips mmm m mmmmm slurp slurpie sa slurp mmm oho yes

i get to buy more on friday too

>> No.58601171 [View]
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>still this flustered about politely being told to not say faggot in a telegram chat
do you want normies to buy this or not

>> No.58359659 [View]
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the best crypto auditing firm gave it a 10/10

>> No.58252381 [View]
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>it's easy, just do this :^)

>> No.57155648 [View]
File: 91 KB, 371x353, 1703923922692086.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>btc dumps
>ADA goes nose first full speed
>btc pumps
>ADA does nothing
>all while SOL is ripping again
My first cycle holding cardano, is it always this fucking slow?

>> No.55973313 [View]
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avi was literally in the middle of 10x'ing when toad was 4m

>> No.55948967 [View]
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ive been wondering for a while, anons.
why are these indian retards that spam shitcoins in every thread always so fucking low effort?
they always post thumbnails or shitty facebook memes and say the same copy paste shit.
does it ever even work? its not like the usual 0.1% victim demographic of old tech illiterate grandmas exist on biz

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