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>> No.15049498 [View]
File: 86 KB, 2169x1080, Drug cost Europe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You. Are. Talking. Out. Of. You. Ass.
Almost all R&D is done and funded US side even by international branch giants cause that's where the money is.

>> No.14922526 [View]
File: 86 KB, 2169x1080, 0BC6DC00-947E-49A1-B5BB-68F5F239445A.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're literally in crippling debt by default the second you start working you idiot. It being more sensational to go into medical debt in your 60s and have to pay $500 a month than it is to be living under circumstances in which you're paying $800 a month the moment you start being paid more than the bottom 15th percentile until the moment you die isn't a strong endorsement of the European system, which again, can only be maintained under the most fortuitous market conditions in history which are owed primarily to US military strength and political weakness

Forcing doctors into debt under inflationary government student loans-if they bother to try and become one at all (again, 50% foreign born/trained doctors-they're not) under those conditions-are not symptoms of a "free market". I should be able to buy pharmaceutical drugs from international sellers on something akin to amazon, forcing both European and American firms into a market correction, I should have (and only recently do https://abcnews.go.com/Health/hospitals-forced-publish-price-lists-long-secret-analysis/story?id=60676332)) have full disclosure on what costs what before I step into the building and (You) should not have to be taxed like World War 2 never ended so that some ignoramus can go to an abstract art college for free*

>> No.14767742 [View]
File: 86 KB, 2169x1080, 68581968-1FBC-4980-A559-DF0AD8CAD842.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seeing as our current situation is a combination of unfavorable market conditions (third world low rate of doctors/surgeons per capita with a population that's increased at an unsustainable rate, doubling over the past 60 years; more illegal immigrants than many European countries have people in general), foreign market protectionism (the burden of drug development is almost 100% placed on American consumers; American companies develop 60% of new cures/treatments and pay for the cures European countries develop and sell to their own at unsustainably low prices), FDA approval process cost increasing from inflation-adjusted $400 million in the mid 20th century to over 2 billion today) and intellectual property protections (orphan drug law signed in the early 80s that gives drug companies around 15 years before competing generics are legally allowed to be produced and sold) the answer is free market as opposed to (((free market))). The Nordic model where people are made to be tax cows paying 50+ of their income despite having the most sheltered and unsustainably favorable market conditions in the world through reliance on powerful military alliances and fragile trade practices is a false idol. Countries with a population the size of Wisconsin being taxed for services their otherwise high IQ and physically healthy people don't need to the same rate my fellow pockmarked and bloated goblinoids of the western hemisphere are not the success they seem from the outside.

>> No.14516024 [View]
File: 86 KB, 2169x1080, 416DE2B9-E98E-445B-9F46-20C9A436739F.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Production rose-no shit-but GUESS WHAT: the need for manufactured goods did not keep pace with demand or the 120 million manufacturing jobs in China and tens of millions of manufacturing jobs in Mexico, both with the US as their primary destination for these goods, wouldn't have been created you frickin' ding-dong, and that's not even counting the fact that nearly every country in the world has put up huge tariff barriers to US manufacturers.

Fertility itself is a non-sequitur; the US population nearly doubled from the 60s on (counting the 20 million illegal immigrants, it basically has doubled), most countries in the EU's population increased a much more manageable 20%-25% or so. If you think there is any comparison between the US, a country that's had its domestic labor pool priced out of multiple industries by a black market economy of illegal immigrants (who are themselves screwing existing benefits systems over any way they can https://youtu.be/RxJ3Lsi3Vgk)-that's larger than several of these countries you're talking about combined and ignore all these other problems unique to the US-with Finland or some shit ur dumb af nigga

They're subsidized in Europe by the American consumer, not the European government. "Big Pharma" which includes European insulin peddlers like Sanofi and Novo Nordisk charge US consumers unsustainably high prices and charge European consumers and others prices they wouldn't even break even on.

>> No.14313597 [View]
File: 86 KB, 2169x1080, FCD5E086-C514-4612-B12F-E0996308CF86.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>your country is a parasite
>says the euroFAGGOT exploiting the best market conditions in human history made possible exclusively through US military hegemony
>able to dump legacy pharmaceuticals into the U.S. at astronomical prices for years while selling into the EU at unsustainable prices they wouldn't even break even with because of our corrupt KIKE politicians

Fuck off you disgusting hypocrite babydick cunt idiot retard lmfao

>> No.13983822 [View]
File: 86 KB, 2169x1080, 47C19845-8E87-4B0D-9BE6-FE71644E72AD.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He lost the popular vote and is being fud'd by the media constantly, meaning that over half of the voting population hates his guts to the point where they will vote for literally anyone or anything opposite of him. The point I'm trying to make-you fucking retard-is that a desirable puppet would be as uncontroversial, as conventional and as beloved as possible, and they'd start by showing deference to our "allies"-even as they close off their markets to our companies and do everything they can to exacerbate our healthcare crisis by passing the medical research buck to american patients.

It's funny how you can actually say positive shit about who you consider to be the best president we've had in your lifetime (not that that's saying much) and still get attacked by autists that don't understand sarcasm.

>> No.13712839 [View]
File: 86 KB, 2169x1080, 848AB921-92CA-4214-9762-50FEECD4E448.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1. Americans and American companies like Gilead with tens of thousands of employees spend billions developing novel medications; single handedly responsible for devolping 60% of all new drugs and saving countless lives in the process

2. Our "allies" in the EU, Canada and Australia et al threaten these companies with reverse engineering these drugs if the company refuses to sell them "at cost" to them, forcing these companies to charge american citizens more to recoup the enormous costs with producing them

3. European companies that do absolutely nothing to advance medical science but maintain monopoly level market production share on desperately needed legacy medicinal products like insulin (Novo Nordisk/Sanofi) charge exorbitant prices to Americans as well

4. Even with little money going into drug research and perhaps even less money going into paying for drugs Eurotrash still have to be taxed like WW2 never ended to maintain their unsustainable welfare state

Savor the flavor because me and the rest of the glorious goblinoid races of America will not tolerate this injustice much longer. Eurabians are already taxed to the brink and many of these countries will go down in flames if their fucked up protectionist policies are tampered with by future American legislation.

>> No.13529284 [View]
File: 86 KB, 2169x1080, BA7011CC-8670-4BAD-8ED2-D85B890D3A81.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If the U.S. goes down or otherwise stops protecting the EU et al. from paying their fair share of the global burden of healthcare for one thing they're in for a rude awakening. They already have to tax street urchins for as much as the U.S. taxes doctors and lawyers to maintain the veneer of sustainability, you can imagine what would happen if they actually had to pay for the drugs and treatments that U.S. firms develop and couldn't turn around and dump shit like insulin back into the U.S. for 10 times as much.

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