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/biz/ - Business & Finance


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>> No.4141719 [View]
File: 35 KB, 600x315, dadurded.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really wish my fucking dad was dead. Seriously he gave me an additional 100k usd after i lost 60% in altcoins (LINK and REQ) but he wont let me put it in crypto again. What the fuck is the point when i cant even decide what to do with the money.

I wish he was fucking dead seriously so I can start doing whatever the fuck i want. Altcoin prices are so cheap. I WANT TO FUCKING BUY THE DIP.

>> No.4097336 [DELETED]  [View]
File: 35 KB, 600x315, saveme.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright biz, I'm in my early twenties (20 to 24 years old) and I just lost a shitload of cash holding alts. I am a programmer with no other income source. Even if I wageslave, its fucking useless since I live in a third world country where the wage is so low and the income tax so high. I need to speedup my parent's death since if they die I'll receive my inheritance along with their life insurance. I have a younger brother but getting his share should be no problem since I am the eldest and will be in-charge of handling the money.

My dad is 53+ years old, I'm not sure of my parents age since I havent memorized their birth years but he is approximately that age. He is quite fat so I think a heart attack will kill him but how the fuck do I speed this up. If he dies my mom will mostly make me in charge of finances so thats good. I have no liabilities and have an awesome car and a shitty condo fully paid. My current holdings are 50k LINK and 100k REQ.

I think my parents wont take this too hardly since they love me. After all, if I dont get rich I'll end up killing myself (I'm their favorite son). I'm sure they do NOT want that to happen.

I'm tired of this /biz/ I've studied hard and for years I've watched guys who play basketball steal the girl that I like. Dont get me wrong I get girls too but not the ones that I WANT. Its unfair!! I am only trying to get the love that some guys get naturally and this is how I end up. I realize this is the path of no return but I dont care. I NEED MORE MONEY in 1 to 2 years.

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