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>> No.17477736 [View]
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>> No.16842951 [View]
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For me AMRN is not just another stock. Some people just go "hey if I make money great, if I don't oh well" Which is fine and to be honest that's the right way to go about it. But for me, losing money on the deal was never an option cause I need all the money I can get. Long story short; I'm 36, didn't save as much as I should've during my 20's/early 30s. So now my retirement plan is kinda lacking. AMRN is a way to correct that mistake and give my retirement plan a big kick in the ass. Sure I've got a pension and a 401 and now a brokerage,etc. Both the pension and 401 are doing rather well, but still. It don't mater how good the investments are doing if your still behind as it were. All the retirement people tell you this; "by age 40 your on track for a nice retirement if you have double your salary in the bank (or invested)" Thanks to AMRN I'll hit that mark about 4 years sooner.

>> No.16701701 [View]
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That's right boys

I successfully FUDDed out Green bags anon out of AMRN. Time for the moon mission.

Some thought me mad as hell, others thought me "retarded" but who's the last one laughing now. The dude who's sitting on a gold mine thanks to AMRN or the dude who dismissed my claims as madness? Haha, fuck the haters and all that shit here's to me finally getting a nice Fat Wad of Green in the bank as well as kick starting my long range plan of a comfy retirement when I'm age 50 and age 65. I took a big ass gamble but oh hey look at that it's paid off for me in the end. Let that be a lesson to all; I always win in the end.

>> No.16695129 [View]
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I do our taxes each year. This is how it works. Each year during Tax season the brokerage will send you (or you can download it) a summary of all your trades. This summary is also sent to the IRS. Each important bit that needs to go on the tax forms is marked. You just fill in the "blanks" on the tax forms as needed. Same way you input your W-2 information or any interest income earned on savings. A key thing to remember is to don't rush into doing your taxes right away. Sometimes the brokerage likes to do late minute updates to your summary. So if you do your taxes and they do this update then you have to file an updated return.

Once AMRN delivers the Green Bags to me capital won't be an issue. More T-babies and more into my Funds. Then if ONTX coughs up a dollar or more hey all the better. Every little bit helps you know.

Yeah that's kinda me. My few stocks are companies I actually give two shits about for various reasons. AMRN, ONTX for the short term gains/profits. Honestly don't care more than that. Once I get my money I'm selling them both (although when I'm an old fuck I'll prob be taking some generic version of AMRN). My other stocks I plan to hold long term cause I do care about them. And you know they will make me a bit of green to so hey that's even better. Mostly my investments will be split between 3 funds once AMRN delivers the goods.

>> No.16660933 [View]
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Reminder: When Big Pharma comes knocking the Green Bags start Flying.. Marketcaps mean shit if Big Pharma wants the company bad enough. What the CEO personally wants doesn't mean shit either. Long as the Board has the majority votes and shareholders give it the thumbs up then Big Pharma wins. Really though you'd have to be dumb as hell to turn down a Fat Green Bag (or two) stuffed full of Cash.

With all the good news it's important not to let the lure of the Fat Green Bag to get outta hand. Sure you'll get a Fat Bag but over doing it is just setting yourself up for despair and gloom if it doesn't come to pass. I look at it like this: If I get 45 - 50 per then hey its all good for me. If I get over 50 per then that's just extra gravy. I'm not talking about just the buyout price either but also the stock price itself. Low balling your expectations will save yourself a lot of mental pain later. Then if you exceed those expectations you can celebrate like mad.

Haha, Nothing can stop AMRN now! Profit shall rain down like mad for ten years starting Monday!. Nothing can keep the stock price down anymore either. By this time next year the current stock price will seem "cheap", that is unless the Holy Buyout happens, which for all we know may happen before Christmas. P.S My T-babies just Hiked that Fat Divvy some more. So double the good news for me, haha.

Some thought me mad as hell, others thought me "retarded" but who's the last one laughing now. The dude who's sitting on a gold mine thanks to AMRN or the dude who dismissed my claims as madness? Haha, fuck the haters and all that shit here's to me finally getting a nice Fat Wad of Green in the bank as well as kick starting my long range plan of a comfy retirement when I'm age 50 and age 65. I took a big ass gamble but oh hey look at that it's paid off for me in the end. Let that be a lesson to all; I always win in the end.

>> No.16572154 [View]
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You make shit because you're a fucking truck driver giving advice on 4chan. You dont have debt because you're a 35 year old boomer. you should be going back to stocktwits

Why did you just fucking post this blog post? What the fuck are you bloggin in smg for? Just post random shit about AMRN all day. Back to stocktwits.

Why did you just fucking post this blog post? What the fuck are you bloggin in smg for? Back to stocktwits.

Who the fuck asked for your opinion on incomes? Go back to stocktwits

You're an uneducated truck driver loser who thinks he knows what he's talking about because he bought a single stock. You probably are a mutt not even white. Back to stocktwits

>> No.16561407 [View]
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Did you miss me /biz/?

>> No.12925706 [View]
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I unironically think he is back

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