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/biz/ - Business & Finance


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>> No.57586596 [View]
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LIQ PRICE 107.87

>> No.56536440 [View]
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>> No.55958331 [View]
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I'm renting with housemates. Very cheap.
I could afford to rent a cuckbox by myself, but somehow I feel it would be even worse. And more expensive.

>> No.55882089 [View]
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How do I find new and upcoming companies to invest in for the long-term? What are good companies/industries to invest in? Also, how many stocks should I aim to buy?

>> No.55696017 [View]
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>Funny how bobos are short on bitcoin and long on normie pattern recognition.

>> No.55557368 [View]
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>> No.54111941 [View]
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We're just fashionably late. That's all.

This transaction? https://etherscan.io/tx/0x70f31fdfacee32fb4c57489e0cad7d23469409aa1e965b9cfaf2d30572cb6e30

What makes you say that? They'd need much more than that for a liquidity pool IMO.

>> No.53863085 [View]
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Currently holding a little over $100k in ETH and plan to sell soon and buy back at 3 digits when this bear rally is eventually over.
Problem is, I've got $20k of tuition I have to pay in August but don't want to lose the cost opportunity of just throwing 1/5th my portfolio at something that won't give any returns till 4 years later.
So, what's the best way to get this money without losing out on the opportunity cost? I've thought about depositing ETH into something like AAVE taking making a stablecoin loan, but a crash would liquidate my position. Also thought about leveraging the remaining ETH at something like 1.5x so I get more profits if it goes up but again I'm terrified of a crash which could liquidate me. Any ideas?

>> No.53857293 [View]
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Ready for the dip, frens

>> No.53834781 [View]
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Youre welcome fren

>> No.53816252 [View]
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and just like that, bitcoin will never be below twenty four thousand united states dollars again

>> No.53780237 [View]
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You know, the working poor are typically pretty good with money. They live within their means, pack a lunch each day, have money saved up for a car if their current one breaks down. Being so poor and stumbling into those pitfalls all through their 20s, they learn, they basically have no choice to learn.

But the second you break into the lower level yuppie territory, the upper middle class, it seems like every second person loses all fiscal responsibility. Trips to spain, new car on HP, $75 on lunch at work every week, 4:10 mortgage/income ratio. The amount of people I know in this socioeconomic bracket complaining about being broke all the time and having literal meltdowns over it, compared to the borderline minimum wage poor, is astounding.

What is it that causes this? If you're smart enough to work in an office and pass university, why the hell can't you handle money better than the 85IQ dumbshit that can barely read and write.

>> No.53711637 [View]
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What's this? A 'siq thread on the 'log?

>> No.53584208 [View]
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frens, we are so smart. look at the market dumping a mere 5 hours after we had this conversation! WAGMI!

>> No.53582093 [View]
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Holy shit I just found $20 fucking dollars.

It flew into my pocket while I was getting out of my car.

Why the fuck is physical money so fucking based?

>> No.53068642 [View]
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I'll be buying ROSE, MATIC, and NFTs. What about you?

>> No.52859288 [View]
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Is selling plants a good business strategy

>> No.52844123 [View]
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Is selling garden plants a viable business strategy

>> No.51587999 [View]
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>bought BNB and BTC back in Feb '21
>haven't sold since then, only staking them
>40% down
I don't need the money rn but I'm obviously not made for crypto. Any chances we'll go back to '21 prices within the next year?

>> No.51442117 [View]
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Based. Money can't buy happiness, but it can facilitate happiness.

>> No.51255447 [View]
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Imagine working 40 years of your life for some kiked up company that flies gay pride or Black Criminals Matter flags sometimes.

I'm 26 years old and have worked for 3 years, but it isn't for me. I want to quit wageslaving for a government that wants to destroy its people.

How do I do that?
>Crypto: I only have 20 € in BTC, because poorfag
>Silver: dont know about that
>NFTs : dont know jackshit either

How do I do it?

>> No.50966846 [View]
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These are never good

>> No.50777199 [View]
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put it on binance and i will buy it

>> No.50511649 [View]
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is this a good sign or bad?

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