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/biz/ - Business & Finance


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>> No.9621861 [View]
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>social skills are a skill. skills can be improved upon.
>this leads to gf's
>looks can be a meme girls believe your lies if you're convincing enough
>i can have compassion for the people you've lost that's tough
>you have a job and being grateful for the things you have is a fundamental change in life perspective that will alter the very outlook that is leading you to this JUSTed mentality that you carry with you. meaning you can change it by being more grateful
>brainfog cure is exercise and psychedelic drugs (maybe)
>yellow teeth can be whitened by going to the dentist
>pursue your hobby being happy is important for the soul
>skinnyfat can be changed go to /fit/
>dark circles = looks can be a meme so who cares
>speaking is a social skill and skills can be improved upon. protip google how to speak confidently in business meetings and practice that with strangers.
>people don't look you in your eyes because you don't look them firmly in their eyes to exude confidence and presence in the situation or because there are things in your personality that exude an energy that's offputting that you can tinker because it is in your ability to do so
>poor people can become rich with ambition, protip conscientiousness is the number one predictor of success
>talking to yourself can be a very very good thing https://www.nytimes.com/2017/06/08/smarter-living/benefits-of-talking-to-yourself-self-talk.html
>go get a trade job or something for money issues
>you can't bank on crypto alone. you can but you can lose too. so it's a stressful way to live your days
>there's a time and place for praying but not for things you can realistically improve upon on your own. you have the ability to control your destiny and not rely so heavily on crypto so you don't have to pray for your coin to rise
>you are not the most justed person on biz. there's always someone who has it "better" and always someone who has it "worse." stop comparing yourself to people
fuck you if this is bait

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