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>> No.55646242 [View]
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Fair point. Really dissapointed that the SEC couldn't bring a better case against them. XRP and LINK truly are some of the most obvious and egregious cases of securitities laws violations I can think of.

>> No.55618853 [View]
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>Google "partnership"
>Oracle "partnership"

>> No.55607576 [View]
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>Chainlink is good for ETH.

The only thing Chainlink is good for is Chainlink.
No one needs Chainlink, certainly not ETH, and most definitely not Bitcooin.
ETH, just like LINK, is a shitcoin with no purpose, a centralized, opaque monetary policy run by anonymous trannies close to Vitalik (the CEO) that instantly makes it a security. The unilimited circulation makes it un-investable as well by any serious institutions.

>SWIFT is going to use Chainlink
They are not. It's another case of fraudulent misrepresentation by Chainlink, just like the Google "partnership", Gartner, Gravelcoin, Oracle etc. etc. ad nauseam.
Fraudulent corporate partnerships only benefit Chainlink (like in 2019) and not ETH.

>I guess its an ideological thing
No, it's just a shitcoin rivalry.
Shitcoins are merely competing for money that flows into Bitcoin, like the parastic bottom feeders they are.

>> No.54707926 [View]
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>+6 years
>Still no use case
>Still no revenue from any software services
>Only source of revenue is dumping premined tokens for cash
>Token still nothing more than illegal funding security for Sergey

Jesus, how has this garbage not been shut down yet?
Litrerally everything they do is illegal in every part of the world that counts.

Vechain tier "soon" scam.

>> No.53962201 [View]
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>Name one pro of dating a White woman

The value of a woman is driven by the quality of the children she will produce.
White women will produce White kids, of high value (assuming you're genetics aren't shit).

The reason yellow fever fags exist is because they are genetically inferior, and the Gook goblin is their only hope of reproducing.

It's a harsh Blackpill but true.

>> No.14407543 [View]
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>> No.13548266 [View]
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Another 2-4 weeks MAX before the game of crypto musical chairs stops.

You've been warmed Bullcucks.

>> No.13480121 [View]
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>If they DO deliver

>Chink scam

>Delivering anything but hopes and dreams

So ETH has literally thousands of the best developers and official recruiting channels with computer science departments at top tier universities around the world.

Female-to-Male has some unknown Gooks claiming to be Blockchain 7.0...


>> No.13223818 [View]
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Ignore the low quality shitposts ITT from the bagholders of the garden variety mix of failed "ETH killers".

>> No.13070767 [View]
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There would need to be buying demand you stupid TAfag.

You think your meme lines draw themselves? There have to be buyers to drive the upwards pressure on price.

Are people suddenly going to start buying REQ for no reason in the midst of a bear market?

The chart only implies that no one is selling below this level.

>> No.13020475 [View]
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>Fighting wars for Israel

I think I would rather be a fucking coder.

>> No.13007709 [View]
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Why do you morons still chase these pump and dumps? It's not 2017.

>> No.12938168 [View]
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Guys, is HPQ a good buy now?

Absolutely ridiculous dump following minor earnings setback, but this company is still priced really low, below book value with strong cash flows.

>> No.12930049 [View]
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Are you stupid?

That's exactly how it works.

Where do you think the US dollar value of Bitcoin even comes from? It comes from supply/demand and how many people are willing to plunge their USD into this shit.

The price fluctuates with the ebbs and flows of fiat into the cryptoshit markets.

The absolute state of bizlets.

>> No.11839607 [View]
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So you bought near the peak of a bubble?

Did the exponential growth not tip you off?

You could have purchased any other crypto asset at the same time and suffered the same 90-99% loss of capital, save for maybe LINK because it's an irrational token powered by memes and a religious following.

This thread has nothing to do with REQ.

I'm buying another 100,000 REQ when I get my pay cheque this Friday, I see the team doing work (albeit slowly), instead of selling their tokens like the ICO scams.

We're not even at an all time low in SATs and Vitaliks, despite the crash. Just FIAT, but again, that's related to crap sentiment in Bitcoin.

>> No.11108104 [View]
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Didn't figure value man for a chocolate dipper, but it kind of makes sense now. Chocolate pussy is so good, great value opportunity.

>> No.10865386 [View]
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This. There are already functioning and deployed daughter chains on Ethereum that are running dApps without impacting the speed of the network or thoroughput. Look up LOOM network you absolutely fucking brainlets. Not only that, but you’ve got Sharting pending and the Plasma gooks appear to be in the final stages of delivering some work. Ethereum is THE altcoin. All of you faggots that bet against it, I hope you’re around in 2 years for me to rub your noses in shit.

>> No.10767323 [View]
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No, I despise NEETs. I've proposed a sterilization program for NEETs in the past, to ensure this defective seed does not get passed on accidentally.

NEETs can't secure normal women as mating partners, so they've created the narrative of the Asian waifu, but these Gook Goblins will breed with anything, including NEETs, so there is a danger that these wretched creatures will be manifested in future generations.

>> No.10574299 [View]
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m8, REQ is now below pre-sale price. EVERYONE except for the devs who premined billions of tokens are now in the red.

Why are you still defending this horseshit?

>> No.10497408 [View]
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Turns out once the market turns bear and the devs can no longer rely on capital appreciation to pay out "dividends" or print new garbage tokens out of thin air, they're going to run into REAL problems because they have ZERO DOLLARS in revenue..

Nice centralized Chink scam tho.

>> No.10397582 [View]
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I don't think it's a good project, but at the same time I know it will pump back up with Bitcoin, just because a riding tide elevates all of the shitcoin turds floating around in this septic tank.

I will never forgive myself for not selling at $1.20.

>> No.10316528 [View]
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Let me guess, some new partnership hoax? Is it Amazon this time?

Maybe it's a partnership with PayPal!? Why not, I mean since it's all bogus anyway..

>> No.10229940 [View]
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Just read the White Paper and they seem to offer a pretty decent way between crypto-fiat transactions on the Stellar network.

I didn't know Stellar did tokenization of real assets and fiat via their own exchange. Is this operational? Any Stellarfags here to chime in? This would really challenge REQ in the race to become the "PayPal 2.0" claim.

>> No.10216884 [View]
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Sitting at 250K.

I didn't sell at $1.20 and sure as hell won't sell at anything below 50 cents.

$2.00+ or zero. It's a binary investment for me. It's either wildly successful or a total write-off.

Hands of steel faggot.

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