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>> No.52952652 [View]
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trust me anon you couldn't have asked for a better window of opportunity to change your life around. honestly, what all is it that irks you? things you don't like about yourself? figure out why they matter so much and work on delving deep to the root of who you are. That way you will know exactly where you are in life and start to realize the extent of your not knowing. Only then will her choices make sense to you and only then will you find peace with it and be able to move on. If you can't relate, you won't procreate. With something like GME happening, we're looking at enough money that she would instantly hamster wheel herself into staying with you before finding faults (and projecting ofc we all do that) in you post-MOASS when she can clean your ass out with the promise of lifelong and post-mortem unrealized gains. Consider yourself lucky you got such a nice woman she came to you with divorce instead of cheating and making you have to find out and then still coming back trying to use you. Even if she did cheat, at least you didn't have to find out the hard way bro. Perhaps in the future you will find someone who really appreciates you for who you are and because of your own journey inwards, you will be able to identify who does and who does not. Both with themselves and with you.


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