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/biz/ - Business & Finance


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>> No.8054451 [View]
File: 767 KB, 1148x646, exchanges.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So everyone. Exchanges will be starting to pop are left and right, we already have some nice ones to choose from, but since binance (the only good one) has no fiat pairings, which ones will make it and become grand!

Legolas exchange sold out fast and gets shilled hardcore here and on plebbit, yet the /r/subgaylord only has 599 subscribers, which i find odd. Also their private presale was very gay.

CoinMetro on the other hand has problems in the Us, but nearly 3 times the cult-followers on the fucked up gay upboat side and will offer ETFs and other shit as well.

INB4 QQ BLAH BLAH STFU and comment good stuff or nothing at all. I am invested in both already, and I want to know what you guys think of them.

Personally, I buy many different ICOs and kind of gamble on them, which does net very high profits from time to time.

Several people I know have invested in both as well, some even in Coss (I know Coss is a meme).

I could post my referal link for CoinMetro here but I won't, because I want to have an actual normal /biz/ discussion here.

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