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/biz/ - Business & Finance


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>> No.57180589 [View]
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My TIA bags did 7x in 90 days and all from fresh start and cost basis (0$, it was fucking free) Your ICP bags did 3.5x from 99.9% drawdown (so you are prob still underwater).
But I know you're poor and only care about Price, so here you have it.
Ofc you are LMFAO

>> No.56233541 [View]
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Hurry up pajeets you know well enough Turk Scammer ain't paying you over weekend lol
Yes AI anime girl guy we know you are dirt poor, you are most phatetic of them all at least rest of this retards are paid to shill, you are shilling to get dumped on for 2 years

>> No.56171124 [View]
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>yes we are.
99.5% of all holders in loss.
All 0.5% winners are same 20 retard that live here on /biz

>> No.56119247 [View]
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Best part of SERGAY DUMPS is how they all come from "Nonciculating Supply" wallet LMAOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO

>> No.20894488 [View]
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>I passed on eth ico because "its dumb everything will be built on top of bitcoin in the end"
>I hodled from 600k to 50k during bear market
>im near 1 mil now bounced up like chad tnx to link, eth and aave

There is allways oportunity, you just dont have stomach to watch smarter than you get rich this cycle while you know you could be them you fucking pussy

>> No.20415391 [View]
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>> No.20173377 [View]
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>but I was forced to sell due to personal hardships
No You didnt greedy mofo YOU HAVE NO IDEA WHAT I SACRAFISED to never sell 1 fucking link since 2017 I literally scraped the bottom of barrel and here we are
Only and I mean ONLY thing that would made me to sell link isto save loved ones and than I would have 0 regreats as you do now so i bet thats not the case here

You lack commitment and resolve I didnt, I made it you will forever be loser eaten by regret

>> No.19778453 [View]
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Yes poorfags or absolute morons if they stick real asstets in custodial solution like this
I hope plebs like you lose everything and this is comming from og link marine lol

>> No.19456159 [View]
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Fag noone owns you anthing tis his money would you compesate him in x% if he lost money?
Than gtfo and keep seething
Also lsoign 10k ling due "really bad luck" means you are mongoloid I hope it goes to 40 bucks this year and you rope yourself

>> No.19451206 [View]
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So whats your point Im not ballsdeep eth because I like pedo Vitalik its because I can use my head.
Also whats better alternative I made 46% apr doing nothing usinng defi tech stack in 2020 (literally 0 trades) where is that shit I can use on other chains?
Yes you can ride more "next eth" hype and flip some but if you are not poor and flippin coins is not your thing there is no better longterm bet.
Fud is basically "eth time runnig out" since 2018 and look where are we mid 2020 (same eth time runnig out bullshit)

Now for you and fucking OP read this and report back and tell me how many smartcontracts will port from eth to other cahins:

>> No.17517654 [View]
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I juts zoomed out it looks like bitconnect lol

>> No.16552589 [View]
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>Devs want to produce something of value
>If the build it on btc they do get benefits of network effect but they enrich btc baghodlers only
>they sacrafice network effect of btc in pursuit of enriching himself
>end up hated by btc community

Bitcoin is communism?

>> No.16530046 [View]
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BTC maxis are new XRP army

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