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>> No.29654368 [View]
File: 1.88 MB, 788x1400, amazon-of-bandwidth2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Has anyone tried sentinel dvpn ?

>> No.29272935 [View]
File: 1.88 MB, 788x1400, BC79112E-52D0-44DA-B4AF-300681047565.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Spectacular observation. The FUD simply cannot overcome the technicals and real world applicability of this dApp; you’ll find it baseless and generic at best. It is now you must accumulate at this great entry point. This is not some McDs or BNB CZ megalomania shitcoin (I mean come on, you can see right through these ad campaigns), this is a LONG hold. A guarantee 10x at MINIMUM.

>> No.28641735 [View]
File: 1.88 MB, 788x1400, amazon-of-bandwidth2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here's a classic copypasta for you

Sentinel is the Amazon of bandwidth.
Sentinel will do to bandwidth what Amazon has done to retail goods. Amazon has revolutionized retail goods by giving everybody a global platform on which to sell and buy goods. Sentinel will do the same, it will give everybody the possibility to sell and buy bandwidth in a verifiable way on an open and decentralized market with out middlemen. Before Amazon, everybody had to sell only locally and advertising was expensive, now everybody can send goods all over the world and has the ability to reach a global market place. Imagine when normies understand they can get paid for their unlimited bandwidth with out doing anything, or buying bandwidth at a much lower cost then on centralized VPNs. It is similar to unlocking free money that people always had lying around but never knew about. This previously unmonetized bandwidth was locked down by the incumbents, gatekeepers, and middlemen. But with Sentinel, suddendly everybody will be able to sell and buy bandwidth in a global market place, making bandwidth the first fully digital fungible commodity. This is an untapped market, potentially worth billions.

>> No.28193678 [View]
File: 1.88 MB, 788x1400, amazon-of-bandwidth2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

whats the next planned release?

>> No.26758191 [View]
File: 1.88 MB, 788x1400, amazon-of-bandwidth2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sentinel is the Amazon of bandwidth.
Sentinel will do to bandwidth what Amazon has done to retail goods. Amazon has revolutionized retail goods by giving everybody a global platform on which to sell and buy goods. Sentinel will do the same, it will give everybody the possibility to sell and buy bandwidth in a verifiable way on an open and decentralized market with out middlemen. Before Amazon, everybody had to sell only locally and advertising was expensive, now everybody can send goods all over the world and has the ability to reach a global market place. Imagine when normies understand they can get paid for their unlimited bandwidth with out doing anything, or buying bandwidth at a much lower cost then on centralized VPNs. It is similar to unlocking free money that people always had lying around but never knew about. This previously unmonetized bandwidth was locked down by the incumbents, gatekeepers, and middlemen. But with Sentinel, suddendly everybody will be able to sell and buy bandwidth in a global market place, making bandwidth the first fully digital fungible commodity. This is an untapped market, potentially worth billions.

>> No.26700197 [View]
File: 1.88 MB, 788x1400, amazon-of-bandwidth2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sentinel is the Amazon of bandwidth.
Sentinel will do to bandwidth what Amazon has done to retail goods. Amazon has revolutionized retail goods by giving everybody a global platform on which to sell and buy goods. Sentinel will do the same, it will give everybody the possibility to sell and buy bandwidth in a verifiable way on an open and decentralized market with out middlemen. Before Amazon, everybody had to sell only locally and advertising was expensive, now everybody can send goods all over the world and has the ability to reach a global market place. Imagine when normies understand they can get paid for their unlimited bandwidth with out doing anything, or buying bandwidth at a much lower cost then on centralized VPNs. It is similar to unlocking free money that people always had lying around but never knew about. This previously unmonetized bandwidth was locked down by the incumbents, gatekeepers, and middlemen. But with Sentinel, suddenly everybody will be able to sell and buy bandwidth in a global market place, making bandwidth the first fully digital fungible commodity. This is an untapped market, potentially worth billions.

>> No.25940495 [View]
File: 1.88 MB, 788x1400, amazon-of-bandwidth2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

entinel is the Amazon of bandwidth.
Sentinel will do to bandwidth what Amazon has done to retail goods. Amazon has revolutionized retail goods by giving everybody a global platform on which to sell and buy goods. Sentinel will do the same, it will give everybody the possibility to sell and buy bandwidth in a verifiable way on an open and decentralized market with out middlemen. Before Amazon, everybody had to sell only locally and advertising was expensive, now everybody can send goods all over the world and has the ability to reach a global market place. Imagine when normies understand they can get paid for their unlimited bandwidth with out doing anything, or buying bandwidth at a much lower cost then on centralized VPNs. It is similar to unlocking free money that people always had lying around but never knew about. This previously unmonetized bandwidth was locked down by the incumbents, gatekeepers, and middlemen. But with Sentinel, suddendly everybody will be able to sell and buy bandwidth in a global market place, making bandwidth the first fully digital fungible commodity. This is an untapped market, potentially worth billions.

>> No.25129457 [View]
File: 1.88 MB, 788x1400, amazon-of-bandwidth2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my plan:
-Keep buying SENT while it is still low price
-Stake all my SENT with top validators after mainnet in Q4
-Sell staking rewards for USD and buy a beach house in the French Riviera, a small yacht and a new porsche sport GT with SENT logos
-Enjoy life with Sun, nice crystal water beaches doing snorkeling, harpoon fishing, having nice seafood in restaurants or fresh fish cooked by myself after fishing
-Nice, beautiful french girls to come with me to the beach, yacht etc

>> No.25045614 [View]
File: 1.88 MB, 788x1400, amazon-of-bandwidth2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP YOU TOLD ME SENTINEL WAS GOING DOWN and now it's mooning again. WTF It's going to drop again right?

>> No.24112662 [View]
File: 1.88 MB, 788x1400, amazon-of-bandwidth2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"IOS app going to appstore very soon, connection issues fixed and UI formatting nearly complete. We surely have a tremendous amount of releases in the coming weeks"

ios app is finally coming

>> No.23965367 [View]
File: 1.88 MB, 788x1400, amazon-of-bandwidth2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

after main net launches people will be able to stake for a 12.5-22.5% yield, so there won't be any SENT left on market, people won't be able to buy easily

>> No.23010807 [View]
File: 1.88 MB, 788x1400, amazon-of-bandwidth2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

asians are more educated regarding privacy, on average 1 user every 3 usus a vpn there, in the west we will learn quickly as shit is starting to get censored also here at a very fast pace

>> No.22839716 [View]
File: 1.88 MB, 788x1400, amazon-of-bandwidth2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

during the various previous local tops sentinel had 150k and 1m volume , so volume comes only when its needed and uptrend is strong, i expect the next run will be triggered by the next various announcements like v3 client team reveal and main net

>> No.22733140 [View]
File: 1.88 MB, 788x1400, amazon-of-bandwidth2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sentinel is the Amazon of bandwidth. Sentinel will do to bandwidth what Amazon has done to retail goods. Amazon has revolutionized retail goods by giving everybody a global platform on which to sell and buy goods. Sentinel will do the same, it will give everybody the possibility to sell and buy bandwidth in a verifable way on an open and decentralized market with out middlemen. Before Amazon, everyboy had to sell only locally and advertisting was expensive, now everyboyd can send goods all over the world and has the ability to reach a global market place. Imagine when normies understand they can get paid for their unlimited bandwidth with out doing anything, or buying bandwidth at a much lower cost then on centalized VPNs. It is similar to unlocking free money that people always had lying around but never knew about. This previously unmonetized bandwidth was locked down by the incumbents, gatekeepers, and middlemen. But with Sentinel, suddendly everyboy will be able to sell and buy bandwidth in a global market place, making bandwidth the first fully digital fungible commodity. This is an untapped market, potentially worth billions.

>> No.22697351 [View]
File: 1.88 MB, 788x1400, amazon-of-bandwidth2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sentinel is the amazon of bandiwdth

sentinel will do to bandwidth what amazon has done to retail goods selling ,amazon has revolutionized retail goods by giving to everybody a global pltform on which to sell and buy goods.
sentinel will do the same, it will give to everybody the possibility to sell and buy bandwidth in a provable way on an open and decentralized market without middlemans.
before amazon everybody had to sell only locally and advertising was expensive, now everybody can send goods all over the world and everybody has access to a global marketplace.
imagine when normies understand they can get payed for their unlimited bandwidth without doing anything, or buy bandwidth at a much lower cost then on centralized Vpns, its like unlocking free money that people always had lying around but never knew about it, this previously unmonetized bandwidth was locked down by the incumbents and middlemans, suddendly everybody will be able to sell and buy bandwidth in a global market making bandwidth the first fully digital fungible commodity, this is an untapped market potentially worth billions of dollars.

no more internet borders for bandwidth and data with sentinel

>> No.22638477 [View]
File: 1.88 MB, 788x1400, amazon-of-bandwidth2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sentinel is the Amazon of bandwidth.
Sentinel will do to bandwidth what Amazon has done to retail goods. Amazon has revolutionized retail goods by giving everybody a global platform on which to sell and buy goods. Sentinel will do the same, it will give everybody the possibility to sell and buy bandwidth in a verifiable way on an open and decentralized market with out middlemen. Before Amazon, everybody had to sell only locally and advertising was expensive, now everybody can send goods all over the world and has the ability to reach a global market place. Imagine when normies understand they can get paid for their unlimited bandwidth with out doing anything, or buying bandwidth at a much lower cost then on centralized VPNs. It is similar to unlocking free money that people always had lying around but never knew about. This previously unmonetized bandwidth was locked down by the incumbents, gatekeepers, and middlemen. But with Sentinel, suddendly everybody will be able to sell and buy bandwidth in a global market place, making bandwidth the first fully digital fungible commodity. This is an untapped market, potentially worth billions.

>> No.22463913 [View]
File: 1.88 MB, 788x1400, amazon-of-bandwidth2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sentinel is the Amazon of bandwidth. Sentinel will do to bandwidth what Amazon has done to retail goods. Amazon has revolutionized retail goods by giving everybody a global platform on which to sell and buy goods. Sentinel will do the same, it will give everybody the possibility to sell and buy bandwidth in a verifable way on an open and decentralized market with out middlemen. Before Amazon, everyboy had to sell only locally and advertisting was expensive, now everyboyd can send goods all over the world and has the ability to reach a global market place. Imagine when normies understand they can get paid for their unlimited bandwidth with out doing anything, or buying bandwidth at a much lower cost then on centalized VPNs. It is similar to unlocking free money that people always had lying around but never knew about. This previously unmonetized bandwidth was locked down by the incumbents, gatekeepers, and middlemen. But with Sentinel, suddendly everyboy will be able to sell and buy bandwidth in a global market place, making bandwidth the first fully digital fungible commodity. This is an untapped market, potentially worth billions.

>> No.22421003 [View]
File: 1.88 MB, 788x1400, amazon-of-bandwidth2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sentinel is the Amazon of bandwidth.
Sentinel will do to bandwidth what Amazon has done to retail goods. Amazon has revolutionized retail goods by giving everybody a global platform on which to sell and buy goods. Sentinel will do the same, it will give everybody the possibility to sell and buy bandwidth in a verifiable way on an open and decentralized market with out middlemen. Before Amazon, everybody had to sell only locally and advertising was expensive, now everybody can send goods all over the world and has the ability to reach a global market place. Imagine when normies understand they can get paid for their unlimited bandwidth with out doing anything, or buying bandwidth at a much lower cost then on centralized VPNs. It is similar to unlocking free money that people always had lying around but never knew about. This previously unmonetized bandwidth was locked down by the incumbents, gatekeepers, and middlemen. But with Sentinel, suddenly everybody will be able to sell and buy bandwidth in a global market place, making bandwidth the first fully digital fungible commodity. This is an untapped market, potentially worth billions.

>> No.22384450 [View]
File: 1.88 MB, 788x1400, amazon-of-bandwidth2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sentinel is the Amazon of bandwidth.
Sentinel will do to bandwidth what Amazon has done to retail goods. Amazon has revolutionized retail goods by giving everybody a global platform on which to sell and buy goods. Sentinel will do the same, it will give everybody the possibility to sell and buy bandwidth in a verifiable way on an open and decentralized market with out middlemen. Before Amazon, everybody had to sell only locally and advertising was expensive, now everybody can send goods all over the world and has the ability to reach a global market place. Imagine when normies understand they can get paid for their unlimited bandwidth with out doing anything, or buying bandwidth at a much lower cost then on centralized VPNs. It is similar to unlocking free money that people always had lying around but never knew about. This previously unmonetized bandwidth was locked down by the incumbents, gatekeepers, and middlemen. But with Sentinel, suddendly everybody will be able to sell and buy bandwidth in a global market place, making bandwidth the first fully digital fungible commodity. This is an untapped market, potentially worth billions.

>> No.22360346 [View]
File: 1.88 MB, 788x1400, amazon-of-bandwidth2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sentinel is the Amazon of bandwidth.
Sentinel will do to bandwidth what Amazon has done to retail goods. Amazon has revolutionized retail goods by giving everybody a global platform on which to sell and buy goods. Sentinel will do the same, it will give everybody the possibility to sell and buy bandwidth in a verifiable way on an open and decentralized market with out middlemen. Before Amazon, everybody had to sell only locally and advertising was expensive, now everybody can send goods all over the world and has the ability to reach a global market place. Imagine when normies understand they can get paid for their unlimited bandwidth with out doing anything, or buying bandwidth at a much lower cost then on centralized VPNs. It is similar to unlocking free money that people always had lying around but never knew about. This previously unmonetized bandwidth was locked down by the incumbents, gatekeepers, and middlemen. But with Sentinel, suddendly everybody will be able to sell and buy bandwidth in a global market place, making bandwidth the first fully digital fungible commodity. This is an untapped market, potentially worth billions.

>> No.22177002 [View]
File: 1.88 MB, 788x1400, amazon-of-bandwidth2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sentinel is the Amazon of bandwidth.
Sentinel will do to bandwidth what Amazon has done to retail goods. Amazon has revolutionized retail goods by giving everybody a global platform on which to sell and buy goods. Sentinel will do the same, it will give everybody the possibility to sell and buy bandwidth in a verifiable way on an open and decentralized market with out middlemen. Before Amazon, everybody had to sell only locally and advertising was expensive, now everybody can send goods all over the world and has the ability to reach a global market place. Imagine when normies understand they can get paid for their unlimited bandwidth with out doing anything, or buying bandwidth at a much lower cost then on centralized VPNs. It is similar to unlocking free money that people always had lying around but never knew about. This previously unmonetized bandwidth was locked down by the incumbents, gatekeepers, and middlemen. But with Sentinel, suddendly everybody will be able to sell and buy bandwidth in a global market place, making bandwidth the first fully digital fungible commodity. This is an untapped market, potentially worth billions.

>> No.22170036 [View]
File: 1.88 MB, 788x1400, amazon-of-bandwidth2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sentinel is the Amazon of bandwidth.
Sentinel will do to bandwidth what Amazon has done to retail goods. Amazon has revolutionized retail goods by giving everybody a global platform on which to sell and buy goods. Sentinel will do the same, it will give everybody the possibility to sell and buy bandwidth in a verifiable way on an open and decentralized market with out middlemen. Before Amazon, everybody had to sell only locally and advertising was expensive, now everybody can send goods all over the world and has the ability to reach a global market place. Imagine when normies understand they can get paid for their unlimited bandwidth with out doing anything, or buying bandwidth at a much lower cost then on centralized VPNs. It is similar to unlocking free money that people always had lying around but never knew about. This previously unmonetized bandwidth was locked down by the incumbents, gatekeepers, and middlemen. But with Sentinel, suddendly everybody will be able to sell and buy bandwidth in a global market place, making bandwidth the first fully digital fungible commodity. This is an untapped market, potentially worth billions.

>> No.22126578 [View]
File: 1.88 MB, 788x1400, amazon-of-bandwidth2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sentinel is the Amazon of bandwidth.
Sentinel will do to bandwidth what Amazon has done to retail goods. Amazon has revolutionized retail goods by giving everybody a global platform on which to sell and buy goods. Sentinel will do the same, it will give everybody the possibility to sell and buy bandwidth in a verifiable way on an open and decentralized market with out middlemen. Before Amazon, everybody had to sell only locally and advertising was expensive, now everybody can send goods all over the world and has the ability to reach a global market place. Imagine when normies understand they can get paid for their unlimited bandwidth with out doing anything, or buying bandwidth at a much lower cost then on centralized VPNs. It is similar to unlocking free money that people always had lying around but never knew about. This previously unmonetized bandwidth was locked down by the incumbents, gatekeepers, and middlemen. But with Sentinel, suddendly everybody will be able to sell and buy bandwidth in a global market place, making bandwidth the first fully digital fungible commodity. This is an untapped market, potentially worth billions.

>> No.22051810 [View]
File: 1.88 MB, 788x1400, amazon-of-bandwidth2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Sentinel is the Amazon of bandwidth.
Sentinel will do to bandwidth what Amazon has done to retail goods. Amazon has revolutionized retail goods by giving everybody a global platform on which to sell and buy goods. Sentinel will do the same, it will give everybody the possibility to sell and buy bandwidth in a verifiable way on an open and decentralized market with out middlemen. Before Amazon, everybody had to sell only locally and advertising was expensive, now everybody can send goods all over the world and has the ability to reach a global market place. Imagine when normies understand they can get paid for their unlimited bandwidth with out doing anything, or buying bandwidth at a much lower cost then on centralized VPNs. It is similar to unlocking free money that people always had lying around but never knew about. This previously unmonetized bandwidth was locked down by the incumbents, gatekeepers, and middlemen. But with Sentinel, suddendly everybody will be able to sell and buy bandwidth in a global market place, making bandwidth the first fully digital fungible commodity. This is an untapped market, potentially worth billions.

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