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/biz/ - Business & Finance


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>> No.9326843 [View]
File: 27 KB, 600x418, wtf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>250mil cap
>not on cryptopia

>> No.9326661 [View]
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>> No.9188718 [View]
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Imagine being this fucking clueless

>> No.9148461 [View]
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>uhhhhh thanks...

>> No.9072157 [View]
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Getting sick of my job, been making tons of excuses the past 2 weeks not to go to work because I can't take it. The thing is I am very well liked at the company and am in line to get a higher position soon, and I spent so much time tricking them into thinking I was devoted to the company (its a start up).

Is there a subtle/tasteful way to quit?

>> No.9060139 [View]
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How much does one need to "make it" in Romania?

>> No.8979542 [View]
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a word about street shitting:
-no one shits in the streets, only in isolated vegetation
-it's very rare in urban areas. mainly happens in rural areas
>unlike san francisco where people unironically shit on the streets
>yes, I did shit in the streets a few years ago when I traveled to a rural location
>it's the most incredible feeling. shitting in the open you feel so empty and light that it's euphoric. try it. highly recommended. it's unlike the shitty shits in a western toilet
>I have a western toilet with a bidet/water spray unlike you morons who wipe your asses with paper like retarded primitive morons
Indian biz:
>terrible redtape
>slowly improving infrastructure
>electronic goods are 50-100% more expensive than in the US because of import duties
>my government is retarded, has been since I can remember

>> No.8960196 [View]
File: 35 KB, 600x418, DB1881AA-70BF-435D-87B3-F6EA8FCA3480.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine that you are coding ChainLink from scratch.
How the fuck would you even do it? There’s so many things it has to do.

>> No.8855153 [View]
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she already hit the wall

>> No.8830130 [View]
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>tfw no gf

>> No.8609567 [View]
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>> No.8607876 [View]
File: 27 KB, 600x418, disgusted_pepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bots bring volume and volume is how exchanges make money, so why did COSS work on a dividend token instead of an API?

>> No.8565123 [View]
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oh mr. I know everything
fuck off
reddit is so much better.
here, have a angry-kermit

>> No.8548800 [View]
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I'm in since 000.84

>> No.8542110 [View]
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>in b4 more stinky linkys
>25 linkstink-threads on front page not enough?

>> No.8520975 [View]
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>> No.8520816 [View]
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read my post again anon

>rsi AND macd

>> No.8501308 [View]
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>monetization of APIs is NOW becoming a thing
Uhhhh how do you think the financial or advertising industry has been working for the last 15 years

>> No.8356629 [View]
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>> No.8317758 [View]
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I think I might be cursed /biz/ every time I sell price goes up and every time I buy it goes down

>> No.8074634 [View]
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>claims to be "different" than the social media addicted whores
>makes a post like this that just BEGS for (you)'s

Fuck off roastie

>> No.7810723 [View]
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>Another wave of pnd "meme" coin shillfest

>> No.7715524 [View]
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Amazon is a hundred times worse, and a thousand times bigger, but you barely see them demonized because they preach globalism and "equality"

>> No.7692137 [View]
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>buy a car
>sink money into an asset
>eventually own the asset at depreciated value


>lease car
>sink money into an asset
>never own it, lease ends and it gets taken from you

Why would you think that paying for a car and ending up with nothing is a better deal than paying for a car and ending up with a car?

I'm going to guess your answer is something to do with maintenance and repair. Sure, if you are in the peculiar position where you actually NEED a brand-new car all the time, then yes I guess there might exist a rationale where it makes more sense to spend more money to own nothing, but never have to worry about repair or replacing the vehicle, since they'll take care of that for you.

But for the vast majority of cases, it is just a better deal to buy, own, and take care of a car you like, instead of paying for the "new" thing all the time.

I bought my pickup for $4000, I've had it for 4 years, and have spent maybe $2000 on repairs(brakes and tires mostly). If I leasted a comparable vehicle, i would have spent at LEAST $15000 so far.

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