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/biz/ - Business & Finance


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>> No.57175393 [View]
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Capo was right

>> No.55118588 [View]
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>> No.55076650 [View]
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Wagie hate thread? WAGIE HATE THREAD!

>> No.55063285 [View]
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Don't do it

>> No.55034091 [View]
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1. I didn't go in to biglaw or high finance: These are the most reliable ways to become rich and successful. I was too spergy to pass any finance job interviews in university.

2. I don't know how to code and haven't bothered to learn despite being in my mid-30s. This is the main way people become rich and start scalable businesses.

3. I'm not good looking enough or charismatic enough to be an e-celebrity: I haven't had friends for over a decade. I'm really fucking ugly.

4. I'm not a self-starter: I can't motivate myself to do stuff in my free time that's productive. I have no support network or high performing and high achieving family members or friends. I'm not the type of person to dropship fidget spinner derivatives from Indonesian Craigslist to Bahamian witch doctors, or whatever the fuck the latest passing trend is, which will be saturated in a week anyway.

5. I'm not a genius. I didn't do a maths or physics or computer science degree at university, so learning how to price cow dung options 0.00004% better than other people is out of the question for me.

6. I'm not lucky enough to win the lottery.

7. I'm not creative. I will never make a revered work of art. All of my ideas are linear combinations of everything else I've seen.

>> No.54423963 [View]
File: 617 KB, 1280x1707, B6AA466A-C8E9-44CE-88CC-E686564B0271.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.54156644 [View]
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Im starting to believe that bitcoin is going to reach 100,000 soon

The "dollar" is such a trash manipulated shitcoin at this point - even my boomer managers are starting to question the narrative.

I hate this rigged economy so much, we're literally being robbed of our savings by the second - the (((bankers))) are relentless

>> No.53963950 [View]
File: 617 KB, 1280x1707, 1674664146672342.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No. Actually. You're right. Starbucks IS labor. Treat your wagies right folx!

>> No.53830462 [View]
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I recently got a manager level job at a company that will look great on my resume but I feel like I'm failing upwards and my luck might run out

>bullshit bureaucrat job
>doing the work
>have a roastie manager in her 20s
>she starts hinting at me possibly being autistic
>after some months she outright says that I'm too much of an autist to progress in the company, but won't present examples of any work going badly
>gives me bad performance review that's pretty much "yeah you succeeded in the work but you disagreed with my criticism of you so you aren't good enough"

>get better job in company, although not before roastie manager ruins my reputation
>get crusty boomer manager who runs his own personal fiefdom filled with his crusty boomer friends
>he's the worst manager I've ever had, a petty middle aged failure
>gives me shit low level responsibilities that don't fill up my time
>claims I'm a failure no matter what I do, no matter what evidence I present (he uses no objective measures to judge me)
>have horrendous time, apply for my current job

>current job
>bullshit bureaucrat job
>do the work
>have a roastie manager
>think things are going well, apart from the fact that I'm an ugly beta loser who never socialises with anyone (it's really noticeable because I'm now in the office)
>manager gives me some negative feedback; I am unable to figure out her demands for a project (she gives such vague requests)
>she brings up a middle aged roastie complaining about me, saying she felt I didn't care about a project (I was messaging this boomer for over 1 week without reply)
>manager later gives me bad performance review (company has forced distributions and I'm bottom of the social chain)
>brings up minor unfair bullshit
>roastie manager is treats me unfairly with some processes (she made higher demands of me than she did of other people)
>miraculously get a better job soon afterwards, then resign

>> No.53749059 [View]
File: 617 KB, 1280x1707, 1674664146672342.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's nothing wrong with hating those who choose to be a goy cattle. Wagies are the biggest commies out there

>> No.53670762 [View]
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>*sobbing uncontrollably and babbling* We ask for their names so much... but we never make real human connections!
>Tyler, you're gonna be alright! I'll go get the nearest Mental Health First Aider and he can escort you through our termination process! This process was given an A+ rating for employee safety by the Kotunduji & Gipstein consulting company!

>> No.53475665 [View]
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>> No.53414087 [View]
File: 617 KB, 1280x1707, 1674543294953790.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm turning 30 next month.

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