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>> No.55011411 [View]
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>40 is when you're bald fat and ugly
Skill issue OH NO NO NO KEK

>> No.54938054 [View]
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Midget race here, can confirm. We taking all yo women lengthlets

>> No.54928238 [View]
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>no one has abs
No thanks fag

>> No.54915129 [View]
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>I'm not a threat to glowniggers
Why even post on 4chan?
Daily reminder read mein kampf

>> No.54910868 [View]
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>this thread again
Read mein kampf to own the jews

>> No.54909642 [View]
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These kek, I like wandering into towns to see the hambeasts ogle and guys half my age flex on me
I'm like a buff gran torino when I go for supplies. What are you spooks looking at?

>> No.54901981 [View]
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>personality posting
Did you call me?

>> No.54901699 [View]
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Woah he's just like me

>> No.54879327 [View]
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/pol/ here. Been telling you faggots to read mein kampf daily for 6 months now. Overall spent the last 5 years (whenever infinity got shoah'd) in this shithole trying to drop info. You guys said I have man boobs. You're on your own

>> No.54876168 [View]
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Wtf I'm demoralized
Post abs Dr wrestler

>> No.54870123 [View]
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>showers once a week
Pathetic. Try "whore bath" once a week and maybe you'll look like me someday

>> No.54829185 [View]
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You rang?
t. Big Mac connoisseur

>> No.54825141 [View]
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>Fats shidding and farding uncontrollably

>> No.54812558 [View]
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I do the opposite, I flex on lazy degenerates and the thread dies
Watch for me in Le INCEL or Le FATS threads

>> No.54810640 [View]
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>thinks I'm fat

>> No.54809711 [View]
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Never heard the term before but I assume it's like FIRE except instead of full blown retirement you just work at a slacker job like a gas station to coast while your investments grow

>> No.54785898 [View]
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>this nigger needs supplements
Lmao. Just lift stuff retard. Like stop guzzling pills and just walk.

>> No.54780608 [View]
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Go to a temp agency that offers daily pay, use the money to buy a pair of boots (the temp agency boots generally are fucking trash)
Use your first days pay to buy a vice to cope with the bullshit of throwing 50lb boxes all day with niggers or lifting 100lb furniture with niggers. Use remaining funds to buy a good tent and a mummy bag. Your 2nd day rent a storage unit so you can have peace of mind with your gear while at work. Your 3rd day get a ymca or gym membership. I personally prefer ymca as it's a little more normalized for homeless to hang around after showering. Repeat the process until you can get yourself a laptop. Buy bitcoin

>> No.54776747 [View]
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Daily reminder dick cheese is a meme pushed by kikes to keep you retards inside your sheetrock box. I'll show you my uncut penis don't fucking test me kikes

>> No.54775129 [View]
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I had neetbux for 5 years and look like this. You just need someone in a suit to say you are too depressed to work. America's a fucking joke

>> No.54767957 [View]
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Cancer here, you better be afraid

>> No.54767810 [View]
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Checks out

>> No.54753575 [View]
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>mcdonalds thread
Daily reminder that Fats shit on Le Goyslop because they can't imagine walking further than a McDonald's parking lot and inevitably look like Fats sack of shits that cope by blaming fast food
Daily fucking reminder I eat 2 mcchickens + $1 large fries for $5, in the past it was 2 big macs for $6 but those bastards realized that phone app deal was too based and removed it

Now watch as Fats ignore this post or call me an avatarfag

>> No.54738596 [View]
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This entire thread is
>bro goyslop bad you'll be unhealthy omg
Daily 2x mcchicken eater here, occasionally I get the 20 nuggies + 2 large fries deal on the app
Maybe stop being a fat lazy sack of shit? Maybe walk inside the mcdonalds instead of sitting in your car? Maybe READ MEIN KAMPF YOU STUPID FATS

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