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>> No.29820328 [View]
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fun story about DIA: one time i dropped a girl off at Denver airport and when I was trying to drive away Google maps gave me some weird shortcut past all the "park and fly" long term parking lots to this area where there are these huge earthen mounds, like 3-4 stories tall shaped into enormous berms with ventilation shafts coming out of them. very mysterious. i was just trying to find a way back to main roads but somehow Google kept telling me to turn onto smaller and smaller roads until i came to a road that dead-ended into a fence where i got out to smoke a cigarette and wonder about the underground complex i was apparently standing over. i imagined i could feel/see a low hum and looked at those enormous earthworks/ventilation shafts, and imagined multiple levels of activity underneath me.

anyway before i got halfway done with my cigarette, two unmarked brand new pickup trucks with blacked-out windows came up and parked on either side of the road, but nobody got out. i was immediately struck with an insane sense of panic, like my fight or flight sense kicked on super hard, so i got in my car and drove back the way i came- one of the trucks followed me until i got back to the highway (google maps apparently unfucked itself and i was able to find my way out directly after that).

weird experience. that whole trip to Denver was weird, I think I almost got killed by a cartel member while buying drugs because they thought I was an undercover fed or something. also Google maps messed up another time and sent me to a fucking army base or airforce base or something, I kept putting in different locations and it kept re-routing me back to this army base! i'm sure i was being watched on camera because I kept driving back past the front entrance of the base like 3 times lol

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