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>> No.21464689 [View]
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>> No.21403248 [View]
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Sorry bro. A lot of the FUD became irrelevant after they delivered the API. VIDT can legitimately reach $3 at any point.

>> No.20482153 [View]
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I cannot think of a SINGLE coin (that isn't already on Coinbase) that would be better than VIDT.

>> No.20451959 [View]
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>VIDT at one third of LINK's mc
You scared the shit out of me with this. Thought it was already 1/3 and I was ready to sell.

I'm selling at $20.

>> No.19867777 [View]
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I'm hungry.

>> No.19155781 [View]
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Meanwhile, BAT more than doubled in value since. Cheers! Telegram tranny team on suicide watch.

>> No.18829463 [View]
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You're a reasonable investor. Have a sandwich on me.

>> No.17949208 [View]
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Achievement unlocked: Wallet prolapsed. As promised.

>> No.17618689 [View]
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"Internet of Environments" was made up and created by LTO and supposed to give the impression it's an IBM project because of IoT. LMAO. It's over.

>> No.17475411 [View]
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VIDT Marnix Vision sounds like a fantastic investment opportunity. Here is my wallet: 0xe96bdA3007ECcc46E68a562381Fe0E233f1c7e3E

Thank you, fren.

>> No.17362194 [View]
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This was the last exit pump. V-ID has unlocked tokens and is determined to pay back investors/advisors and the whale for the token advance/liquidity. Unless now with losing the contest they're going back to their word and locking it up again.

I genuinely believe it's not going up back to 2800 unless it gets listed on Binance somehow.

>> No.17361707 [View]
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This gamble did not end well, LMAO.

>> No.17358901 [View]
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For the rest... You will wait.

>> No.17336112 [View]
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Expect 41 cents. You've been warned.

>> No.17323267 [View]
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>it was unbearable and if he is reading this, you are an awful human being.
How so? Anyone that listened to me is now up at least 200%. Never told you to sell. :^)

>> No.17277221 [View]
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>Can anyone give me the rundown response to the Acronis FUD guy?
I'm the real Acronus FUD guy. And I hold VIDT.

>> No.17208116 [View]
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Not only that, but V-ID also delayed the release of the B2C app. You know why? Because there is no app. There is no software. If there was software already, all they'd have to do is build a browser wrapper app with an embeded payment processor. This app was under development since 2008. Now delayed until nearly 2021.

Bagholders can meme all they want, but that screams SCAM and VAPORWARE.

>> No.17185625 [View]
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>you actually think they distributed tokens to non team members first, and then maintained relationships with the whales so that they could talk about buying back at a later date? the whale is someone they know all right. it's amazing to me that people are this naive on biz.
LMAO, this. How do you think they keep in contact with the whale to the point that they bake the upcoming conversation into the roadmap? They obviously know him personally.

>I think we get a statement from the team soon
V-ID knew the VIDT to VIDS conversion wouldn't be possible. That's why they had "working out another deal" with the VIDT whale on the roadmap as well. But they had to include the VIDT/VIDS on the new 2020 roadmap, otherwise it would seem sketchy. Since then V-ID has REMOVED any mention of the VIDT/VIDS conversion from their website.

The only deal they can come up with is buying his tokens. Except they cannot afford to buy millions of tokens.

>> No.17159247 [View]
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>"We will continue to look for other ways to share V-ID's business success with our investors."
>V-ID is not making any profit, cannot consistently acquire new clients
>V-ID sought the help of a business consulting firm that "specializes" in advising failing startups.
>V-ID is sharing their success with their investors: They're making them poor as well.

>> No.17141690 [View]
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>VIDT is an illegal security token
>VIDT to VIDS conversion would mean revealing revenue and other financials
>V-ID doesn't make enough money and thus price of VIDT would plummet (and devs cannot dump)
>Whale only kept his tokens locked up in a smart contract because he was promised shares in the company (hold a lot, own a larger percentage)
Who would have thought?

>> No.17108641 [View]
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>the main person fudding this was this satsgang person who was good at photoshop and also made the subway meme with Jared. I dont know what his end game is.
The start of the game was warning anons of the dump, the end game was trolling those who didn't listen.

>> No.16841986 [View]
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Telegram trannies lost their minds so much that they are now roleplaying as girls. Seems like I dominated them this fucking hard with my arguments.

>> No.16838327 [View]
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If V-ID wants to hire me as a business consultant, I will save them from their demise and create a pricing structure and value proposition that turns VIDT from SCAM to VALID BUSINESS. The price? $15,000 and 150 angry bagholders. Good news is bagholders or crypto community not needed, as much as the token is not needed.

>> No.16737910 [View]
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>Here's my question. Don't they have much cheaper competition? And turning it into shares at some point? Wouldn't that just make it difficult for international investors? How is that a good thing? Thanks for the answers. Not trying to fud.
Interesting how bagholders skipped past this post. The minute VIDT converts to VIDS, the coin is going to one penny and will stay at one penny as the whale will keep market selling as long as humanly possible. May I remind the retards that this pasta is from months ago? Note the five cent prediction.

>The only reason bagholders are holding onto their tokens is because they're unable to sell it. They accumulated too much up to this point without doing their research and there aren't enough buyers. They were hoping the five days of announcements will have them double or triple their money. Now they're balls deep with no way out. Sad tale when someone cannot admit to being wrong and instead double-down by buying more and more.
>If VIDT will convert to VIDS, which represent shares in the company and the total supply is 62,391,039 VIDT, then one VIDT is realistically worth 2 cents today. 5 cents if we only use the circulating supply (30,800,318). Of course that's with the 3X multiple. At 2X annual revenue (and only looking at circulating supply), one VIDT is worth one penny. And currently, it's even worth less.
>And that's with a 100% conversation rate (if you hold all the VIDT, you could in theory own 100% of the company). Obviously it will be 10% to 30% conversation at the most, as why the fuck would V-ID want to lose more than 30% of their own company, so you can take that shiny penny of yours and divide it by 10 to get the true value of one VIDT.

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