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>> No.49604245 [View]
File: 81 KB, 850x443, Timeline-of-key-antibiotic-resistance-events-Source-modified-from-CDC-2013.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it only gets botulism if its been pasteurized then mishandled. buy raw. milk too. pasteurization is a scam so big business can ship you estrogen-laced milk from across the country and break local economies and small business. just look how retarded some laws are.
>the fuck you mean I can't sell this milk? what, okay so after much desire to sell raw milk I finally can but I need to go through all these processes and I can't even separate the milk from cream? But I can if I'm selling products made from those creams?
its all bullshit
raw honey helps prevent allergies by what is essentially homeopathy but actually works and is not a scam. pasteurized milk is the only reason white people can be lactose intolerant. formula-fed as babies and then pasteurized milk, never drank anything raw. raw milk has lactase enzymes (AND many other proteins such as immunity --> thats why you should'nt vaccinate kids when they are babies (though JEWS do!!!)
>OY VEY GOYIM don't look up hepatitis B vaccines given to newborns and how a large % of them just die (some get resucitated).
many nurses opt out for their own babies. Hep B is a fucking STD why would a baby need that?? because hospitals are deathhouses. hear about that girl who died because there was MRSA on a wall in her hospital room?
>OY VEY GOYIM don't look up antibiotic abuse (picrel)
if you can't tell I hate jews

okay back to raw milk: the lactase enzymes help you digest the lactose for you (like your microbiome gut does to foods too (you know your farts are actually theirs?)). now there are these lactase tablets you take to help these unfortunate souls continue to drink the lifeless white, fatty, homogenized water
lactose-free milk is just the same pasteurized milk-mater where they've gone and just fucking MIXED THE TABLETS into it! read the label!

I should also mention raw milk tastes fucking incredible.

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