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/biz/ - Business & Finance


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>> No.55831065 [View]
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>> No.55343138 [View]
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Gender Studies. It will open you up to the patriarchal society you live in.

Also philosophy for critical thinking skills. Both majors are in high demand because business/law/stem are oversaturated and don't teach the high reasoning that the humanities do. Personally, I would never hire someone who couldn't do practical logic.

Or you could use your wageslave knowledge to start a business in an industry you've worked in.

>> No.53937938 [View]
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But it doesn't get dirty.

>> No.53937381 [View]
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So i'm an analytical philosophy major and I want to dedicate my life to figuring out the underlying structuralism of the neural correlates of consciousness. Basically what is transferred over from the human to the android in ghost in the shell.

However pursuing a career in philosophy leaves me with great financial security and hardship. Nevertheless I think such work would be of great value to humanity and is worth it even if I only have a 1% chance of contributing to the search for it.

Also from everything I've read no one else is looking for this. If I do achieve it, it will mean transferring your consciousness to an android body may be possible in your lifetime.


And yes I am austistic.

>> No.53497145 [View]
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I don't hate millionaire rich people, but I do hate billionaire rich people who, in their attempts to make ever increasing profits, turn humanity into cattle.

Consider the grocery store. Before you would have your groceries bagged for you and the plastic bags were complimentary. Now you bag them yourself and pay for the plastic bags to do so.

The self service station was marketed as a way to skip the line and save time. Now it's all anybody uses.

Likewise, supermarkets originally advertised that they were going "bag free" for environmental reasons. Then they started selling their recycled plastic bags for 15 cents each, and with an obvious upsell for paper bags.

This is happening everywhere in society and people don't even notice it.

Pretty soon, the prudent individual will be expected to manage every affair in his private life that was once a matter for a business to manage as his own, and will be expected to be grateful for the "privilege".

>> No.53497110 [DELETED]  [View]
File: 37 KB, 739x415, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't hate millionaire rich people, but I do hate billionaire rich people who, in their attempts to make ever increasing profits, turn humanity into cattle.

Consider the grocery store. Before you would have your groceries bagged for you and the plastic bags were complimentary. Now you bag them yourself and pay for the plastic bags to do so.

The self service station was marketed as a way to skip the line and save time. Now it's all anybody uses.

Likewise, supermarkets originally advertised that they were going "bag free" for environmental reasons. Then they started selling their recycled plastic bags for 15 cents each, and with an obvious upsell for paper bags.

This is happening everywhere in society and people don't even notice it.

Pretty soon, the prudent individual will be expected to manage every affair in his private life that was once a matter for a business manage as his own, and will be expected to be grateful for the "privilege".

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