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>> No.22629060 [View]
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Nothing, all in good time

>> No.16797557 [View]
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>hey freak, we don't cotton to weirdos in (((our town))) so scram before I make you taste the pain
>fuck off from (((our board)))
keep this in mind
>it's all in your head
>get out of your head

>> No.16766023 [View]
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>both of you name fagging FAGGOTS are FAGGOTS
grow up pussy

>> No.16486728 [View]
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it's definitely interesting
I just don't see how sound waves from Saturn's rings could propagate through space to the moon in the first place
since there is a lot of empty space between the two and it is a vacuum there is no medium for the sound to propagate through
I'm more partial to the hologram idea presented in this threads OP
I've had similar discussions with friends and colleagues about various theories and somehow we always come back to the hologram concept, particularly the fractal nature of it and how well it's replicated in reality (the small representing the whole and vice versa)
Robert Anton talks about it here with the concept of the universe being in your head (not outside your head as conventional logic dictates):

>> No.16464969 [View]
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>schizo idiots

>> No.16398145 [View]
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>You never tell anything out loud
you need to learn to get out of your own head
besides there's so much of my longform copy-pasta around that I don't want to keep spamming it
don't know how long you've been following for but there's plenty of exposition and references and sources for further suggested reading that I point to

>> No.16378617 [View]
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lol now that is simply astounding

>> No.16295554 [DELETED]  [View]
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>same 10 pics over and over
gif related

>> No.16187449 [View]
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lol he's a little unhinged

>I am not the faggot shill here declaring that the world is going to end or sky is falling and big daddy Jesus comes down to earth and he kills the ebil people with lasers or something stupid shit
lol you said you would kill God and Jesus
what are you blabbering on about haha

>We will kill God, with CERN we will find GOD and kill him in his abode through quantum weapons. We will also kill Jesus so that hey may never rise again, we will imprison the body of Jesus to metal casket

>> No.16105531 [View]
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No, were thinking of the talmud.

>> No.16102200 [View]
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>Nigger you John tutor?
something's happening

>> No.16094133 [View]
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Yes they have many tricks up their sleeves.

>> No.16091852 [View]
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>> No.16082190 [View]
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>You do nothing but follow like a fag. You follow Jesus. You follow Trump. You will never make an impact on the world because all you do is predict and follow, you never change or move forward.
you're confusing cause for effect

>> No.16076294 [View]
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(((mental illness)))

>> No.16056524 [View]
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